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The Secret of the Hidden Attic
by Soha - 5

Chapter 1 - A Shift

“Hey!” mused Jackson to his friends after school. " Isn’t it weird that he has an unusual smile on his face?” asked his friend Michael to no one in particular. Well, he had already climbed into his bus - route number 37. This bus creaked a lot and had miserable dirty seats. But soon, he was dropped home.

His mother, Mrs. Theseus, was all ready to shift to a new house and his father was waiting in the car. His sister, Jenny, had a map in the baby cart. Then, Jackson put his backpack in the back compartment of the car and they started on their way. He was moving for the first time in his whole life.
In a few minutes Jackson was asleep in the back seat with Jenny. When they reached their new house Jackson suddenly woke up and rushed through the doorway. He nearly tripped, but he managed himself.

When he stepped inside, he thought, this can’t be the place! I think we came to the wrong house! This place is like a garbage dump! He asked his father, but his father said, “No. This is where we are going to live.” Jackson stammered, “B-b-bu-bu-butttt…” “No buts. I know you are going to like living here!” His father interrupted. Then his father went upstairs to put the luggage away.

Chapter 2 – A Shocking Discovery

Jackson started up the stairs to the larder. He reached out to the entrance to the attic. When he reached the attic he felt uncomfortable, but he went inside to place his things on the stand. He noticed an old door to his right. He shoved it open. Jackson gazed down and a chill went down his spine. Suddenly, the ground underneath Jackson gave way and Jackson howled as he whooshed down. Ahhhhhhhhhhh and boom!
When he sat up, he saw himself in a darkroom. Luckily, he had a laser pen in his pocket which he only kept for emergencies and this definitely qualified as one. He took it and started moving ahead. He shined his laser pen under him because he felt as though something was scurrying under him. It was just a mouse. He heaved a sigh of relief. Then he saw another two tunnels. The one on the right was sealed but the other was wide open, so he entered it.

Chapter 3 - A Spooky Start

He suddenly heard a weird noise – awoli choooooooo. He followed the voice and entered a room with a man meditating in the center. He unexpectedly bellowed, “Why are you here?” Jackson just stared in wonder. “Anyway, let me tell you the secret surrounding this place. Just follow my instructions. First you have to find the key which you will most probably locate in a letter box outside this room. This key will open the lock to the sealed tunnel. “It is on the stand next to the sealed tunnel and then you will find the treasure in another tunnel connected to the sealed tunnel.” he said gently. “Wow! A treasure! ” Jackson exclaimed.

He crept away as fast as he could, ran out of the tunnel, and yanked open the letter box. He found the golden key, took it, and ran towards the sealed tunnel. He opened the lock and the wooden boards which blocked the entrance to the tunnel simply vaporized.

Chapter 4 - The Treasure Hunt

After walking tirelessly into the dark recesses of the tunnel for many hours he didn’t even have one bronze coin in his palm. Suddenly, he saw a door made of pure gold and something was written on it:

Abra ka Dabra,
Abra ka Dabra,
Frankraly Ab Wrankraly,
Frankraly Ab Wrankraly,
Mark out the Mark.

He could barely decipher the writing on the door, but he managed to read it and as he said it the door started opening automatically. He started going inside, but again the floor crumbled under him and Boom!

Chapter 5 - A Strange Dream

He woke up suddenly, moaning and groaning on his soft, cozy bed in his new house. He immediately looked up to see if there was a hole in the roof, but there wasn’t. He was puzzled, so he went up to the larder. He found his things, but there was no door. No proof of his adventure was left.
He wondered where the old man and all were. Suddenly, he fainted onto the floor. A few minutes later he woke up and thought, “How did I end up here? It must have been a dream. It was a weird dream, but I liked it. Then he went down to play with his friend Michael."