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The Secret-Revealing Puzzle!
by Lahari - Grade 5

Chapter 1 - I’m Moving!

“Taylor Dear! Once you finish packing your suitcase please come down and help me!” My mom’s voice came floating up the stairs to my room. “Okay mom! I’ll be there in a minute!” I hollered. I sighed and started packing my suitcase. We were moving. I still remembered that day, one month ago, when I woke up listening to the soft voice of my mother lilted, “Taylor. Taylor! Wake up! I have something very important to tell you! We are moving to a house in the countryside. It has been in our family for generations.”

laharis puzzle story

Oh dear! Here I am telling you about my life without even telling you who I am! My name is Taylor Evans and I am 10 years old. I have black hair and black eyes and I’m always seen wearing a blue shirt and a black skirt. I live in a modern styled house with 5 rooms, 2 living rooms, 2 kitchens, and 7 bathrooms. My three rooms are filled with posters and everything in filled in blue, black, and green respectively.

Chapter 2 - The Bitterness of Moving

“Great. Just great,” I sniveled in my mind. I was usually rather popular at school, nevertheless, when the teacher announced that I was moving to the countryside everybody just laughed and called me a loser. Soon, I was the talk of the school. Everywhere I went, all I could hear was, “Hey look! It’s Taylor Evans, that girl from fifth grade. I heard that she’s moving to the countryside. How lame is that?” And they would shout, “Loser!” in my face, and walk off. Even though I am moving, I’m still attending the same school.That just makes matters worse! I sighed again and zipped up the zip of my suitcase. I started lugging it downstairs. I placed it at the foot of the stairs and ran to the living room to assist my mother in cooking.

laharis story

Chapter 3 - I’m Going to Live Here?

I stepped out of our car an hour later. My feet were frozen due to the long drive. The prickly sensation had once again made it feel like I was walking on thorns. It made me laugh and annoyed me all the same. I had a nice, long stretch and trudged up the footwalk leading to the shabby, spooky, old house. One look at the hideous box looming in front of me made me sure that this was the worst possible place my parents could drag me to on Earth. My dad took the key and opened the lock with great difficulty. I shoved the door open, and when I did, it made the most horrible screeching noise I had ever heard. It was much worse than when nails are scratched against the black chalkboard at school! I walked inside our new house and stared at it in disbelief. This was not the magnificent place my parents had described to me repeatedly for the past one month. This house had cobwebs dangling everywhere and there was dust all over the place! “Aaachooo! Aaachooo!” The dust tickled my nostrich and made me sneeze. “Okay folks, this is where you are going to live for the rest of your lives!” My dad announced, enthusiastic.

Chapter 4 - My History?

“I know it’s not much to look at, Taylor, but it is a very intriguing place to live in. You’ll get used to it soon enough. It might even have the answer to your unanswerable question if you’re smart enough to figure it out!” My dad exclaimed, with a glistening twinkle in his eyes. That caught my attention. My eyes grew as big as saucers. I know you’re all wondering what question my dad was talking about, so I won’t keep you in the dark any longer. The question is - drumroll please - where do I come from? I know it sounds crazy, but I seriously have never even glanced let alone talked to anyone in my family besides my parents, and they don’t tell me either! “Um, dad, may I please begin exploring right now?” I pleaded with my best puppy dog eyes. “Sure.” My dad agreed, giving a secret I- told - you - so look at my mom. It seemed as if they had discussed about this topic before. I ran towards the long corridor filled with doors, doors and more doors.

Chapter 5 - The Discovery

I skipped past the first eight doors because we were going to occupy them. I glanced at the ninth room, but it just had a bunch of pictures curved at the edges like puzzle pieces. I sighed and slammed the door shut.The tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth room gave the same results. So did the other fifteen. I felt so exhausted that I collapsed heavily onto the floor. Suddenly, I realized something - The pictures were somehow connected. I shot upright with the energy of a thousand cheetahs and sprinted across towards the ninth door. I swung open the door and barged inside. Then it dawned on me that the pictures in each room formed a scene, like a puzzle. I yanked all the pictures off the wall and got to work assembling the pictures.
I finished, and saw the friendly face of a well- known mathematician and scientist staring up at me. He had curly white hair and a quaint smile. I stared at the photo in utter disbelief. There was no way I was related to this guy!

Chapter 6 - Shock!
I stormed into the living room where my parents were cleaning, bellowing, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” My mother and father froze, but didn’t look very surprised. “What happened dear?” my mother asked. “Albert Einstein! I’m related to Albert Einstein?” I yelled. “Um........ Y..y.. y..yes dear. You are.” my mother stuttered. “How come you never told me before?” I questioned. “We were afraid that you would boast, although this wasn’t our idea. Albert Einstein has this sort of system that makes all of this happen.” my mother replied. “Anyway, what test did good ol’ Albert set for you?” my dad asked. “He made me put these together .” I answered. Then I explained all about my adventures. When I finished, my dad was roaring with laughter and my mom was sniggering uncontrollably. When their laughing died down I asked, “What’s so funny?” “You’re great - grandfather set tests like this for everyone in our family and this one was really funny like the others.” my mom replied. Then I slowly started laughing and we all cracked up again. Once it died down my mom pleaded, “Please don’t start bragging. Okay?” “Of course.” I replied. Now, I’m the most popular girl in school again. Although I did brag a bit, I feel awesome... after all, not everyone is related to someone as special as Albert Einstein!