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The Legend of the Scandinavian Monster: The Kraken…

One early morning in autumn, a ship set sail from a small town called Oaksville, with ten sailors on board. The ship was called ‘The Golden Mary.’ They sailed for quite some time, with no sight of land at all.

One of the sailors, Brutus, who was The Mary’s lookout, noticed an enormous splash down in the ocean. Water sprayed onto the crew. Brutus called the rest of the crew up onto the crow’s nest.youngauthors02

As they observed more closely, they realized that it had eight legs as well as tentacles on each leg, just like an octopus. Brutus ordered Andel, the ship’s navigator, to go fetch a drawing of the largest known octopus species.

But lo and behold, the size of the octopus was nothing compared to this creature that the sailors were looking at. Everyone was speechless for a moment. Andel said, breaking the silence, “Why, I believe that is the Kraken!” And he was right. There had been several sightings before, and this added one to the history.

Anderson, the captain of the Mary, quickly went down to the cabin to phone the Oaksville chief, Arkenson. It took a long time, but the chief finally got online. “Yes, what is it?”

“Sir, we have sighted the Kraken,” said Anderson.

“Good heavens! The Kraken! Where?”

“The North Pacific, sir.”

“Right. We will reach in about a day’s time. You can wait until then, can you not?”

“Yes, sir, we can.”

“Goodbye, for now, I will see you in a day.”

“Same to you, sir.”

“Man the boats, pack your bags!” Arkenson shouted. “We have a long journey ahead of us, men. Be ready.”

By the time Anderson had gone back up, the Kraken had already left, but his sailors were gazing intently into the sunset, watching the beauty while it lasted.

The same thing happened until Arkenson and his men arrived.

They were just starting to get the men on the boats, and Anderson was first on the ladder. Only when he was just started down the ladder, the Kraken appeared. But unlike last time, the Kraken attacked. Anderson scrambled back up to his ship.

Slowly, the Kraken wrapped its enormous tentacles around the Mary. Soon enough, the ship became invisible. The Kraken had fully trapped the crew. The sailors were shouting to the chief and people of Oaksville, but they paid no heed. The chief laughed and said, “Fools! Who would help you? Miserable sailors!”

“Help! Please, save us! Do not leave us here to die,” cried Anderson and Brutus.

Even now, no one has found any remains of the Golden Mary or its crew.

By:Anika Jade
Class 5B