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A Snowflake for Everyone

There once was a little village in Alaska where every person was the same, every tree was the same and every snowflake was the same. Up in the heavens, Zora-the god of life was enjoying the similarity of everything. Irene, the fairy who watched over this little village was not happy about this, so she decided to confide this in her friend Celine-the snow god about this.

“Oh Celine, I am very unhappy. Seeing everyone behave the same way is so dull!” whined Irene.

“I agree, let us talk to Zora about this!” suggested Celine.

Celine and Irene went to Zora and told her about their previous conversation. Irene and Celine were doing their best to make her understand.

“Zora, look at how every snowflake is the same. Now if I make each one of them different, wouldn’t it be wonderful?” questioned Celine. “And think of how happy it would make everyone- man or god!”

“But if everyone would be different the world will be a mess!” argued Zora.youngauthors04

This was too much for Celine and Irene! With a flick of her hand, Celine put a unique pattern into each snowflake and left with Irene.

Zora had been watching the feeble snowflakes fall to the ground for a while and realized how unearthly picturesque they made the sky look! She also noticed how exhilarated it had made the town folks. She was stabbed by guilt as she realized how if every person had a different personality, everyone would be even more delighted!

She entered her house and reached out to the cauldron in which she had combined numerous potions to make everyone the same. She separated each potion into separate vials. Next, she carefully tipped a few drops of each into the cauldron and created unique personality for everyone.

As Irene and Celine saw this change, their hearts leaped with joy! To honor this day, Celine kept the snowflakes different and unique. Even today, if you get all the snowflakes in the world together and look at them closely – no two will look the same!

By-Chetna Choudhary 7A