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Subtle Skiea

The United Nations (UN) was in an intense discussion concerning the space travel to Planet Skiea, deep inside the darkness of the Andromeda Galaxy. Careful measurements had been taken and the astronomers said that the planet was at the closest proximity the day after the next.

The astronauts were ready. The spaceship, Sirius, was assembled in New India, Mars. They were to take the Spacebus II on Mars. They would be joined by F8Z8, R4B4, Q9D8 (robots) in Mars. This was decided by the UN at the end of the meeting.

Roger was at his house in Isle of Sky, Scotland. The sun shone brightly on his face and he could feel the dancing beams giving out their warmth. He was ready with his exporter and was nervous, yet excited about leading the first ever intergalactic mission. He packed his things and clicked his exporter. In a moment, he disappeared.

Zita was at her house in Dresden, Germany. For the last time, she glanced at all the memories. It was the 10th of December, as her calendar said. She was exuberant for participating in the first intergalactic mission. She clicked her exporter and vanished leaving no trace of her behind.

Roberto had packed and was at his house at Venice, Italy. He clicked his exporter after checking his watch. He vanished from his house, experiencing a strange sensation of going forward and backward at the same time. He reached Mumbai, the headquarters of International Space and Research Federation.

Roger, Roberto, and Zita got inside the Shuttle Spacebus II and launched. They crossed the Thermosphere, Troposphere, one by one, at the speed of light. Roger turned to the other two and proclaimed, “If you think anything is more important than this mission, get down at Mars. You have to value this more than your life.”

Zita and Roberto replied simultaneously, “We are with you, Roger. Do stop acting like a grown-up.”

They got done in New India (Mars) and had no time to rest. Their schedules were very hectic. They dressed in their spacesuits and boarded the Sirius. They were the best astronauts on Earth (and Mars) only at the age of 10. They were children but were geniuses. They had robots helping them, but, people doubted they would require assistance.

The astronauts and robots were onboard and a scientist came in and told the children urgently, “This is a secret operation and you can only contact us using your importer. Click it and a virtual screen will appear with our faces on it.”

A steely voice boomed from the Launchpad, “T minus 10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, liftoff!” And they launched. At once, Roger managed the controls with Roberto, while Zita went to explore the spaceship. All the amenities required for survival were provided. They were flying at a speed faster than light and were soon out of the Milky Way. Suddenly, they were face to face with the astronauts’ worst nightmare: The dreaded Black Hole. The swirling mass of dark matter was applying immense force and any resistance was pointless. The only way out was a wormhole.

Zita glanced at the Black Hole and exclaimed, “Track a wormhole, it is the only way out.”

Roger and Roberto were at the controls but Q9D2 looked at the map and said, in a mechanical voice, “A wormhole to your left.”

Roger and Roberto, with immense difficulty, managed to steer the ship into the wormhole. They were traveling at a constant pace in the wormhole and all was well until a few days later when the next bombshell fell. Q9D2 was missing. They put the spaceship on autopilot and combed every corner of the spaceship but the robot was not to be found.

F8Z8 had tracked Q9D2’s signal and steered the ship to the robot’s current position, but Q9D2 programming was totally jammed and nothing could fix it. There was a melancholy in the air as they had lost a crew member who had helped them in a spot.

Sirius was hurtling around in space for a few more days and eventually entered a solar system but they were not able to locate Skiea. R4B4 checked the map and said, “We are in another Solar System.”

Zita exclaimed, relieved, “It is a good thing that we have neverending fuel!”

Roberto retorted, “Yeah, we have the Elixir of Immortality. Nice Joke!”

Roger snapped back, “We do! Roberto.”

They steered the ship carefully looking at the map and finally reached the Skiea’s Solar System. Skiea was distinct when compared to other planets and hence they had no difficulty in finding it. But as they wandered through the realms of Skiea, little did they know, that this was not the end of their voyage. It was only the launch.


About me
I am Pranav H from class 6B. I like playing football, reading, and writing stories, poems and non-fictional texts. My favorite subject is English.