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The Future

Rubbing his sweat off his face George sighed, “Ah! I have completed this time machine after five years and the 6th year which is 2018, my lucky year.” Then he went for some rest.

The next day Joe, Lily, and Rose were waiting for George to come. Joe exclaimed, “Why is George late? He told us to come sharp at eight o’clock!”

George came after few minutes and got a remote control with him.

Lily asked, “What is that remote control for, George?”

George pressed a button on the remote control and the time machine appeared in front of them. Everyone was surprised.

Joe exclaimed, “Great scientist George, you have made a time machine for your friends. I am proud of you!”

Lily cried, “Stop overacting Joe!”

They got into the time machine.

Rose screamed in awe, “This time machine is as big as a mansion!”

Lily added, “Yes, there are even millions of buttons George, how do you operate them?”

George cried, “ Friends please be quiet now, let me do this. Wait, do you want to go to the future or the past?”

Joe answered, “I want to go to the future!”

George pressed the red button and few more buttons. The time machine started turning and there was the loudest silence ever.

2020, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070..........

The time machine stopped and they saw tall buildings which almost reached the sky. The buildings were made up of glass.

They saw no one over there, so they went a bit further and saw tiny creatures which only came up until their knees. They were wearing steel shirts and bulletproof pants.

At first, they were scared to talk but George managed to explain to them how they came here. They asked them if they would like to come for a ride on a bike like a vehicle but six people can fit in it.

On the way, Lily asked George, “George is it safe to leave the time machine over there ?”

George said, “Don’t worry I’ve got a tracking machine and the remote control to get back the time machine wherever it is.”

They came back from the ride at eight o’clock and the time machine disappeared, but George couldn’t find his remote control so they were worried.

Then one of the creatures allowed them to sleep in their house.

The next morning, when George opened his bag, he remembered that he put a spare remote control in his bag.

He shouted, “Joe, Lily and Rose! I have found the remote control. Now it’s time to go home.”

They said bye and they went in their time machine and George pressed the red button and the time machine howled.

2070, 2060, 2050, 2030, 2020...........

They reached the present and they happily shared their adventures with their friends and family members.

By: Deshna, 6A