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The Lightning Bracelet

Jessie was a fourteen years old girl. She had curly brown hair and shimmering blue eyes. Her father disappeared when she was small, but her mother, Julie tells her he was killed. She walked down the lane to her house remembering what she could of her father. She remembered his hands and him playing the guitar, something went “clink”. Jessie

looked down, she had kicked a bracelet. She picked it up and an electrical shock racked her body. A passer-by saw her fall to the ground and called an ambulance. They took her away and informed her mother that she was in a coma.

1 Year later

Jessie woke with a start. She looked around. She looked around. She was connected to all sorts of wires and the smell of disinfectant was strong. “You’re up”, Oh, I have missed you”. Jessie looked up, her mother was looking at her lovingly. She knew she should have been happy, but only a wave of sadness washed over her. She felt electrical and wanted to run. “Can I get out?” she asked feebly. “Why of course, you can get out now,” said a lady with a blue apron and a white mask. She disconnected Jessie from the wires and left. Jessie got up and walked right past her mother, still feeling sad and electrified. She started to jog, then she started going in a full-on sprint when she reached the door of the hospital.

She felt the wind on her face and realised everyone was moving in slow motion. “What’s going on?” she wondered. She felt tired and stopped running. The people were moving normally.

A man walked up to her. He has a short white beard and wore a black police hat. “Um…ok”, Jessie replied. He led her to a building which was gleaming white. When she entered she smelled a mixture of smoke ash and rubber.

“This is the IOS lab”, the man said. “My name is Dr. Morrison”.

“Why did you bring me here?” Jessie asked.

“It is because you have super speed and we need you to bring Hercule down,” Dr. Morrison explained.

“I would be glad to help”, she said resolutely.

“Well, you had better gear up” and he passed her a red suit and a mask.

Jessie found herself being led by a random man to an old junkyard. It had wires all over, sparks of red and white flew everywhere. The place smelt of burning plastic and electricity. Thick smoke filled the air and Jessie nearly choked on it when she entered, but she got used to it.

What do you think you’re doing?” a figure said. “Why don’t you come out if you really want us to go away”, Jessie commanded. The figure was that of Hercule, he stumbled, and pictures flew past him. Pictures of him falling in a liquid, him being in a coma, him waking up and not remembering, wanting to take revenge on whoever pushed him in the liquid. The last one stayed the longest- a picture of a little girl with curly brown hair and shimmering blue eyes.

Jessie ran towards him, brandishing an electric sword that Dr. Morrison had given her. Hercule shook the images away and charged at Jessie. He held a gun and shot at Jessie. It reached its mark and hit her on the arm. “Ahh” she screamed as the bullet sank into her arm.

Hercule shot again and Jessie was forced to duck and roll, causing her mask to fall off. While this happened, Hercule pressed a button and changed his gun to a sword as he went forward to make the final blow. He stopped, the image flashed in his mind. The one of the little girl with brown curls. Here she was, his daughter. He stopped completely. “Sorry, sorry my little Jessie”, he said and stabbed himself. “Wh-What?” she asked befuddled. “I -I am your father, Luke,” he said while taking his last breath. Jessie fell down to the floor. “You can’t do this, You can’t. Please get up,”she sobbed. When he didn’t get up, she ran and ran. She found she had lost her speed but she didn’t care. She ran to her mother and fell in her arms, sobbing.

Class : 6C
Manthan, Tellapur