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The Mermaid Crisis

Did you ever wonder if mermaids were real? Did you ever imagine that you can breathe and talk underwater? Did you ever think you could swim deep in the oceans? Well, we are going to explore the world of mermaids, Enchansia.

It was a perfect, sunny morning in Enchansia. All the mermaids were very busy shopping for the royal ball in the Castle of Crystals. Airel was the princess of Enchansia and Isabella was the queen. Airel’s eyes gleamed like pearls when she saw everybody so happy. She was very excited for the royal ball.

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, Sia was trying her best to unlock the door. She used every spell she knew. At last, the last enchantment worked! She could finally rule the kingdom! “Finally, I have another chance.” She was very evil. She had a plan…

She entered the palace disguised as a maid. She went to Isabella’s room and created a magical potion to make her go into a deep slumber. She heard Isabella coming.

She was very eager to rule the kingdom. It was a big chance for her to show her sister, Isabella, how DANGEROUS she was. She saw Isabella drinking the magic potion and saw her falling into deep slumber. Sia was excited for her new life.

Meanwhile, Airel and Emma were arguing.



“Hey, stop that!” shouted Airel.

“You stop that!” Emma shouted back.

Kloe, Airel’s friend tried her best to stop them but couldn’t succeed. The palace guards heard about Sia’s escape and rushed to Airel.

Airel and Emma were still fighting, but the guards were able to stop them.” Your mother is in the dungeon. Sia is the queen now,” they sighed.

“What? How is this possible? We’ve got to do something!” Airel shouted.

“Have you any ideas?” asked Emma.

“Not yet.” Kloe said.

“I might have a plan,” said Airel. “Let’s split into teams!”

“Yeah!” Emma said. “It’s an amazing idea!”

“Kloe and the guards will unlock Mom and Emma and I will trap Sia. Let’s get going!” shouted Airel.

Kloe and the guards went to the dungeon and found many keys. “Which one is it?” Kloe asked. “They all are gold.” The guards said.

They noticed something bright below. It was another key! They tried it and it worked. Isabella swam out. “Goodness, thank you!” said Isabella happily. “Let’s go to the palace.”

They all went to the palace with net and a rope. First, they hid under Sia’s throne where she was admiring herself. They caught her with the net and then tied her up with the rope. Then they put her in the dungeon. Everyone was happy and Emma and Airel were friends. Enchansia was happy again.

---- THE END ----

About the author:
Aishwarya is an 8-year-old child studying in Grade 3A, Manthan School, Madhapur. This story is one of her favourite stories she created.