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The Tale of Hearot

HeOrot was a place beyond our imagination. It had filled people’s hearts with joy through its beauty, but this tale is about Heorot’s dark ages.

Once in Heorot it was a fine day, everyone was happily jumping around with joy, but in the castle of Heorot, the worried king of the paradise, Hrothgar, was racing upon his

dais. The curious minister of the king curiously questioned, “My brave lord, I was wondering if anything was disturbing your thoughts?”

The king answered, “Yes minister, I am stressed about who will be my successor as it is time for me to handover my responsibilities.”

The minister suggested, “We could conduct a competition.” At that moment there was a huge bang and the turret of the castle was blown off into the nearby sea. A coarse and evil voice said, “I am the Chamura. I shall devour your people and destroy this whole kingdom! No one shall stand a chance against me.” Giving a warning, the Chamura flew away.

On the other side of the kingdom a warrior of Geats, Beowulf arrived with 14 might warriors, his best friend Legbrik and his cousin Wiglaf. Beowulf fought like a lion in the battle field and his strength made him invulnerable to any attack. He had won the competition and had also won the trust of the people of Heorot. He was chosen to lead the battle against the Chamura.

The warriors of Geats went on a journey through forests to reach the deadly caves of the demons. The creepy cave had skulls of warriors who had lost their lives fighting the Chamura. The warriors fought vigorously against the Chamura. At the end Beowulf had prevailed and was crowned the king of Heorot.

Author Introduction:
This story was by Tharun Mukesh. He studies in 4B.