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Missing Watson
By Joel Jose Thomas 4C

It was a graceful morning in the city of Boston. James, a 23 year old detective and his assistant, Bob, were having tea in the tea shop. They had been chatting about Boston and the adventures they had had before.

Boston was a very graceful place, where people were always on the streets, with busy bridges, great and splendid houses, high and stylish skyscrapers soaring high into the sky and children tweeting in buses.

    Suddenly, a rushing lady banged the door of the tea shop and told the waiter, “I am here to see Sir James, a detective.” Just then, James lifted his hand and said, “I am James,” sipping his tea. The lady told him that her name was Mrs. Potter and that her husband was kidnapped.

   “I think we need to take some running notes.” said James. They went to Mrs. Potter’s house and took some running notes. “He went in a taxi, but the taxi didn’t take him to his office. My husband has not come back since the past 2 days” ,explained Mrs. Potter.

James asked Mrs. Potter if she had noticed the taxi’s number. “Yes,” replied Mrs. Potter, “Um….. 933.” James went to the taxi manager’s office and asked him to track down where taxi number 933 was.

They found the taxi at Midtown lane and explored the streets filled with garbage. Soon they saw the taxi with the same number that Mrs. Potter had told them about. They also saw an old, abandoned house in the lane.

They went inside with two shotguns and saw some shadows asking a man, “Give us your money and we will let you go.” “No.” said the man. “Watson!” cried Mrs. Potter, recognizing her husband’s voice. “We will have to shoot you then.” said the shadows.

Just as they were about to shoot Watson, James cried, “Nooooo!”, and dived like a superstar and both the teams started a gunfight. James’ assistant, Bob, got injured on his arm. Mrs. Potter was still hiding and called 911. In a short amount of time, 911 came and joined the gunfight. Soon, they took Bob and admitted him to the hospital.

In the hospital, a man came to visit him and took a gun in Bob’s room and tried to shoot him, but Bob was too fast. He lifted his bed and put it ahead of him like a protective shield. He called the police, shot the man and ran away. Then the police came and saw the man holding a gun and bleeding, and also an opened window. Since Bob’s room was on the first floor, he could run to the sight of the gunfight.

While James was fighting with the kidnappers, more cops arrived with Bob and counter-attacked them. The kidnappers finally surrendered. The cops offered the detective and his assistant to become cop detectives and they agreed. The next day they both were having tea again and then came their next adventure.

Author’s Details:
Joel Jose Thomas is studying in Grade 4C at Manthan School, Tellapur.He likes reading books and playing tennis. He is an ardent reader of the books written by Enid Blyton and J.K.Rowling.