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Robin’s and Joe’s baby sister

Author Details:
Shivansh Srivastava is studying in Grade 4D, Manthan School,Tellapur. His hobbies are singing, reading books, drawing and doing craft. He also likes to watch and play cricket.

    “What a great and beautiful city this is!” exclaimed the mother. “Yes, it is the best place I have ever seen,” agreed the father. “Birds chirp, dolphins jump. I like this city a lot.” After a few days, two twins were born to the mother.

    “Such cute children! Aren’t they?” said the mother. The father said “But the only problem I have is what should we name them?” The mother cheered with happiness “I have already chosen the names for them!” The father questioned, “So tell me what their names are?” “Robin and Joe”, said the mother in reply. “What lovely names they are!” exclaimed the father.

    After 10 years, Joe and Robin were tall, strong and quick at doing things. They also looked very similar as they were twins. Only their likes and dislikes varied. Robin liked nature and adventures while Joe liked adventure and thrilling movies.

    After 2 years a baby sister was born to the twins. “This is your dear sister”, said their mother. Their father said “This time I’m going to decide the name for her, um… Ya! Got it! ” “What is it?” enquired their mother, who was excited as well. “Sandy!” replied their father.

    The next day, the father got a phone call from his boss, informing that he is giving a two month holiday, as the elimination for the younger workers, who would be replaced with senior workers during that period. So he was requested not to attend the office.

    Then, the father planned a trip to the countryside but as Sandy was too young to travel, she could not go on the vacation. Moreover, the father had only two tickets and he had no other choice, but to leave Joe and Robin to take care of Sandy.

    After a month, Sandy started to cry a lot. Robin and Joe were upset with Sandy. They went through the contact book and searched for the babysitter’s phone number and called him. He came to their house and asked what the problem was.

    The children complained that their baby sister Sandy, was crying a lot and they asked him for help. The babysitter then said, “No, your parents already told me that I can’t help you!”

    The children begged the babysitter and finally he gave them a clue. “See Sandy’s emotions and expressions. These tell you what she wants. Can you give her a sipper of milk?”. “ Sure”, said Robin and Joe. Then the babysitter made Sandy drink the milk and she was quite again.

    The children understood how to handle Sandy and they requested the babysitter to keep the clue a secret.

    When their parents came back from the trip, they were pleased with Robin and Joe. They also asked them curiously about how they managed to handle their baby sister, in their absence. The brothers, just smiling at each other, explained to their parents saying “If we could handle Sandy, then we can handle any baby!”