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The Mysterious Mountain

Author’s Details:
Ananthkrishnan studies in Grade 4D of Manthan School, Tellapur. His favorite pastime is playing cricket while his hobbies include reading books and cycling.

     Two boys, named Frank and Joe, lived in a village with a leader, whose name was Kai. He was a benevolent leader and also a staunch devotee of their God.The village was safe under the leader’s protection.
     The next day, leader Kai was delivering a speech to the villagers. Suddenly, he fell down and fainted in the middle of his speech. Everybody started panicking, “Oh no! Leader Kai! What happened to him?”

     The village doctor was called for immediately. He examined Kai and said, “The leader cannot be saved unless someone gets the medicine from the mountain nearby!” Nobody was ready to go.

     Just then Frank and Joe came to the doctor. Frank enquired, “What’s wrong with him?” The villagers explained to Frank and Joe, everything that had happened. They told, “We will go to the mountain.”

     The next day, Frank and Joe set off for the mountain. When they were almost  there, Frank thought that he had seen a pair of yellow eyes, in the bushes surrounding the mountain. He mumbled to himself, “I must be imagining things!” They reached the mountain in a few minutes. Frank saw the eyes once again.

     “Joe, did you see that?”  asked Frank. “What?’ asked Joe. “That’s the plant needed to prepare the medicine!” Frank  told as he pointed to it. “That’s right”, Joe said. “Let’s go and get it!” The two boys then proceeded towards the medicinal herb.

     After they went near the plant, Joe said, “I cannot reach it. It’s too high for me.” Frank replied, “I’ll get it for you!” Just as he stretched his arm, a snake came out of the bushes and bit Frank. He fell down and Joe screamed, “No, Frank!”

     Joe told , “Stay here. I’ll go and get a medicine.” He ran away and came back with a medicine. After a while, Frank recovered from the snake bite, on applying the medicine that Joe had brought. Then he jumped high and got the medicinal herb on the tree. Then, Frank and Joe set off for the village.

     Once they reached the village, they went to the doctor and handed over the medicinal herb to him. The doctor cured the leader Kai, by giving a paste from the herb and applying it on his body.

     The next day, the leader told Frank and Joe that they had been really brave to go the mountain. “I am rewarding each of you by giving a medal for the bravery that you had put forward for saving my life.” Saying so, leader Kai gave them the medals, in front of all the villagers, which they truly deserved.