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The Precious Diamond

Author’s details:
Sanvi Chitturi is from Grade 4C, Manthan School, Tellapur. Her favourite  pastime is reading books.                         

     There were two children, named Lilly and Jack. They lived in a house with their parents. At their home, they were playing with their new, exciting video game which their parents bought for them last week, until……

     They heard a weird noise. Lilly and Jack thought that the mysterious sound was coming from the attic, but when they reached there, they found out that it was not coming from the attic. They noticed that it was coming from outside, through the window.

     Jack said, “ I think the sound is coming from outside”, “ Yeah! Me too,” said Lilly. “Let’s go and find out what it is!” Jack and Lilly went downstairs, down their patio and then outside. They saw that the mysterious sound was coming from a diamond cave.
     The diamond cave was huge and located in the forest close by their house. They went inside to have a look. Lilly said, “Look at all those sparkling, beautiful, shiny and colourful diamonds.” They both met a diamond collector whose name was Jeff.

     They all went through the diamonds and then came upon one rare, shiny diamond. They tried pulling it out but they couldn’t. They requested Jeff to do it for them.

     Jeff used an axe to get it out, but he had cut the diamond into pieces instead! He had some super, dry glue in his bag in case if anything happened to the diamonds. He glued all the parts of the diamond that were scattered on the ground and brought it again together as a complete piece.

     After the glue had dried, Jeff looked through his tools and found the perfect tool, which was a huge pair of pliers, to take out the diamond. Then, he took the spectacular diamond and said, “This is a very rare and precious diamond.” Then, he gave that precious diamond to Lilly and Jack.

     After that, they went out of the cave, waved to Jeff and he waved back. Lilly and Jack went back home and told their parents about the diamond cave, hid the diamond in the cupboard and they were the happiest siblings ever!