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The Secret Valley

Author’s Details:
Rida Masood is studying in Grade 4C ,Manthan School, Tellapur. Her hobbies include singing, dancing and painting. She wants to become a doctor ( a pediatrician)when she grows up.

     The phone rang “Tringg”.Liana’s mother responded, “May I know who is calling?” “ Your child Liana is invited to the school ‘Finlayn’.This school is  full of sports and there is a special game named ‘Alley Shot’, said the Headmaster of the school, on the other end of the line.

     Liana’s mother allowed her to go the school as she was fed up with her daughter’s mischief at home. When Liana went  to the school, she met a new friend, whose name was Miley.  Miley was rude to others but not to Liana. Besides, she was also lazy.

     One fine day, both the friends were playing the game ‘Alley Shot’. When Miley hit the ball so hard, it went into the dark forest, just behind the walls of the playground of their school.

     “Some people say that there are some ghosts in that dark forest. So I don’t want to go”, said Miley. “ Hmm…, but we need the ball. So, let’s go and bring the ball”, proclaimed Liana.

     When they went in search of the ball, they saw a valley. But that was not just any valley. It was a ‘Secret Valley’. When they both entered the Secret Valley, they found a book  there, which read , “This book is very precious. But the chief of the dacoits is planning to steal it. Please be careful so that this book will not land in the clutches of the evil chief of the dacoits!”

     There was a photo of the dacoit chief on the walls of a cave in the valley. When they went deep into the dark forest, they spotted the notorious chief of the dacoits, who was coming near them.

     The friends took a stone and hit him hard on his face. It hurt him  so badly that it seemed it would take quite some time for him to recover from the injury. Meanwhile, the girls went in search of their ball, found it and came back happily.

     Days and months passed after this incident. Soon it was summer vacation. Now Miley and Liana had to go back. Before going, they asked their teacher, Mrs.Williams,  “ Will the chief of the dacoits come back again?’

     Mrs. Williams said, “ He can come back any time as he is very powerful and cruel too. So you have to be very careful. Let’s hope that he gets arrested by the police, before you come here next time. Now, you have to leave for your home”.
“Bye,bye, Mrs. Williams,” said both Liana  and Miley as they left her.