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The Burglary
by Kasvi 4

“Ooh, I am so excited,” said Jenny, clapping her hands in excitement. “Yeah, right,” said Rebecca, yawning. We were sitting in the airport, waiting for our plane. I had the boarding passes with me. I stared down at them. Mine said-

Annie Walls

From: Washington

To: California

Flight no. : 56391

Soon, an announcement came out, “Flight no. 56391 will be departing on 7:20. Passengers are kindly requested to go to Gate 3.” We got up, picked our bags up, and ran over to Gate 3. 5 minutes to 7:20 I thought.

We were going to Rebecca’s uncle’s place for the summer holidays. He lived in a huge mansion in California.

“God, can we please hurry! The flight would be leaving, otherwise!” I said, annoyed.

Then we sat in the plane, chattering. My seat was beside Rebecca and Jenny’s was across us.

When we reached California, Uncle Johnson was already waiting for us. He was looking as though somebody had burgled his house.

“What happened, Uncle?” asked Rebecca, one we sat in the car. “My house has been burgled!” he said, his voice shaking. “What has been burgled?” asked Jenny, which was the exact thing I was about to ask. “Nobody knows yet, honey,” said Uncle, smiling weakly.

Once we reached the mansion, Wilson, our watchman, ran to Uncle Johnson, and said, “Master, the pearls have been stolen!” He was panicking and panting. Uncle Johnson ran inside the house. We dashed behind him. We passed his beautiful antique vase, his gold display pieces and his rare paintings. We wondered why these hadn’t been stolen.

Then, we found the study, with Uncle searching through the drawers. When he found nothing, he asked Mary, the maidservant working for him, about the pearls, she was quite timid, so she dropped the tray she was currently holding. She told him she had been sleeping at the time the pearls were stolen.

Once we reached our bedroom, Jenny said dreamily, “Oh, I feel so like Sherlock Holmes.” “We should start investigating,” I said. “Hush! I heard something,” said Rebecca firmly. Rustle, rustle, rustle. We ran to our window. Oh! What a sight! Men in black were walking through the garden. “Can you be faster, please?” one of them scolded the other. I squinted to look clearly. Oh my! This was the same man with the bushy eyebrows, who had been sitting beside Jenny on the plane. Jenny squeaked, “Hey! Annie! Rebecca! Look, the gardener!” Sure enough, the second one was the gardener. “Hush! And please, we don’t have time to squeak and try to recognize them. Let’s find out where they are off to!” said Rebecca.

So, we went out, our flashlights in hand. Rebecca was actually taking sticks, knives, and ropes with her. We followed the men into the corridor.

We kept walking until…… OMG!! This was Mary’s room! Why were these men going here? We turned to look at each other and nodded. We knew exactly what the other was thinking. Mary was part of this gang. We entered. Mary said, “Gary, Samuel, you are late!” Mary’s voice was always small and soft, but this was not. The duo mumbled something and sat down. “We will soon be stealing every valuable thing here!” Mary thundered.

We had heard enough. We sneaked out and then tiptoed to our room. “Let’s tell Uncle and the cops!” said Jenny. We slept like logs that night.

We told the cops and Uncle Johnson about the previous night in the morning. Thanks to us, Uncle was saved from bankruptcy