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The Magical Scooter
by Anuruddha 4B

Zap! “AAAAH!” I screamed. This was quite terrifying.

Okay, I’m at a weird place now. I’ll tell you how I got here. I’m wondering what will happen next, but first let me tell what happened.

It all started when I got this scooter. I found it lying on the road. Since I didn't have one, I took it with me. I went to my favorite spot: a banyan tree. As soon as I went under, something happened. Zap! “AAAAH!” I screamed.

So this is where I am right at the top of a volcano, with a bunch of strange men surrounding me.
Okay, I wouldn’t call them men. They were short & fat, with big ears and flat noses. They looked like goblins with shirts. The shirt had the word ‘STRIKON’. They seemed to be talking in a strange language. Surprisingly, I seemed to understand them. I think they said “We have to run away before this volcano erupts!’’

They started going down and I followed them. And then, there was a sound. It sounded like a vulture. My god, it was! And it was chasing us. We started running.
Finally, we got rid of it. I heard rumbling. The volcano was erupting!
In front of us there was a big rock. We tried seeing if there was space between the rocks. I saw—there was! We went right through.
We found we were at the bottom of the volcano. We covered the space with a rock. I found my scooter there too. I said bye to the Strikons and went home.

At home

“What took you so long? ’’ My sister asked angrily.
“That’s a secret,’’ I said slyly…