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The House Next Door
by Mahathi 6A


Hey there. My name is Stacey. Stacey McCarthy. I have to tell you something quickly, because in twenty-four hours I will most probably be dead.

The thing is, our world isn’t safe for normal, innocent humans. It has been overrun by demons, monsters, and witches. In other words, plain evil. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking that I’m crazy. But you must believe me, or else you will have to learn it the hard way, like me. I will tell you what I know, and what I have seen…..

It all started when I was filing some papers at school. I was so engrossed in my work that I jumped two feet in the air when I heard the shrill noise of the bell. I bit back my angry comments, realizing that the bell had just brought me some good news—the school day was over! I stuffed all my papers into my already-overstuffed bag and zipped it up, eager to leave the classroom. I craned my head to find my best friend Zoe.

“Hey, Zoe! Race you to our street!” I yelled across the classroom, ignoring the fuming looks my teacher was giving me. Come on, it was a Friday afternoon! Zoe must have felt the same way, because she darted out of the classroom, giving me a playful shove on her way out.

I stopped in front of my house, out of breath. “Bye, Zoe! See ya on Monday!” I shouted. Zoe smiled nervously, glancing briefly at the house next door. I followed her gaze. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Listen, Stacey. Promise me you will never enter that house. Your family has chosen the wrong place to live. Don’t ever knock on that door!” she cried, breaking into a run. I started to go after her, but she had disappeared. Funny.

I sighed, and started walking towards my door. My family had just moved here, and things were settling down just fine. The only weird thing was that all the townsfolk, including Zoe, seemed terrified of my new neighbors. I didn’t know why, but I was determined to find out.

I turned on the spot and marched towards the house next door. The sky was a light, delicate pink, and the sun was setting. The sound of dried leaves crunching under my feet was a comforting one. I reached the door and hesitantly rang the doorbell. I let out a shriek as my hand brushed against a couple of cobwebs. I laughed at my nervousness and waited. No one even answered the door. Instead, the door swung open, revealing a poorly lit, sparsely furnished room. I couldn’t resist the temptation to run home and forget this place, but I had to prove my friend wrong.

I took a deep breath and walked inside. This was my first mistake. But I didn’t know it then.
“Hello?” I called, cringing at the echo that bounced back at me. I started up the stairs leading to the first floor. No one answered. “Anybody home? I mean no harm!” I cried, getting frustrated. I paused at the last step, hoping for a reply.

Suddenly a man’s laughter reached my ears. I screamed, startled the laugh. I was breathing hard, and my heart was in my throat.

I whipped around, searching for the owner of the disembodied voice. What I saw was so horrifying that it was a miracle I didn’t drop dead from fear and shock.

Unless my eyes were tricking me, I saw a misty figure of a hunched backed man. His thin, gray lips were twisted into a cruel smile, and his smile revealed one tooth—

A tooth that looked strong enough to grind my bones into a powder and smash my organs without even chipping. The scariest part was his eyes. His deep sunken eyes with no eyeballs made me want to die.

I pushed past the figure, barely even registering the fact that my hands went right through him. He smiled again, like he knew something I didn’t. I ran around the house like mad, charging through every room, before coming out. I darted into a room, and I was about to leave as it had no window to escape out of when I realized that in the corner, a leg, a human leg, was sticking out. I ran to it, and pulled. A bloody body came out.

“No,” I whispered, knowing who it would be. A single tear traced down my cheek. The body was Zoe’s.

I hugged her body, feeling doomed. A sudden dark thought flashed through my mind. He had gotten my best friend. What if I was next?