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The Devil’s Revenge
by Akshaj Tammewar 7A

Once a boy named Francesco Capone had an arch nemesis named Lucifer when he was a kid. When Capone was a small innocent child Lucifer would torture Capone and would give him nightmares that still gets to this day. Capone always wanted to tell his parents about Lucifer but he couldn’t, his parents were murdered when he was small. Capone lived by himself and would shed tears by himself.

After many years Lucifer was out of Capone’s life. Unfortunately one day at an inauguration Capone saw him, Lucifer, Capone knew he had to kill him. Capone slowly and quietly left the inauguration and went to a nearby building where he took out a sniper, accurately aimed and shot Lucifer. Capone knew that if anybody figured out that he is the one who Lucifer his life and reputation would be destroyed. Capone left the nearby building, went home and gathered all his belongings that were important to him. Capone left to the O’ hare International Airport, Chicago. Capone chose a flight from Chicago to South Africa. Capone wanted to start a new life in South Africa, as Capone was boarding the plane his heart was beating like a jackrabbit and he was sweating thinking that someone would get suspicious that he was a murderer and would say that he killed a man. Capone luckily got past security and was relieved. Capone boarded the plane in rejuvenation. He sat down on his seat and on time like usual the plane went off for its exhausting 10 hour flight. Capone was resting himself by reading a book that he found called ‘The Devil’s Revenge’ which was about how the devils finds the man who thinks he killed his human form and gets his revenge by killing the man who tried to kill him. Capone was terrified thinking the same situation would happen to him as well. Capone was sitting horrified thinking he was about to get murdered by the devil. He knew that he had to get off the plane and just as he was about to he heard a cold voice whispering, “You will die.” Capone looked back only to see no-one, as he gazed back the air hostess said, “Sir, I would appreciate it if you sat down.” Capone was frightened and he was sweating like an athlete who just ran a marathon. Capone got out of his seat and went to the washroom not listening to the air hostess. He went to wash his face and closed his eyes to prevent soap from going into it. When he opened his eyes, he saw the man who he had killed, Lucifer in the mirror. Petrified he punched the mirror so hard he got cracked and he ran out of the bathroom and went to his seat.

Capone was thinking that he would die because like in the story he saw a man in the mirror. Capone looked to his right and he saw Lucifer who gave him an evil smile which made Capone horrified. Capone tried to call the airhostess but when he looked back Lucifer was gone. Capone told the airhostess to land the pane immediately but the air hostess said, “Sir, we are above the Atlantic and there is no way we can land.” Capone sat in his seat watching a movie about death while everyone else in the plane was sleeping. Capone changed the movie to another one called ‘The Devil’s Revenge’ just like the book he read earlier. Capone saw himself watching a horror movie in the plane as well and the movies name was ‘The Devil’s Revenge’ in which a man was trying to kill him and the name of the man was Lucifer which is the nickname of the devil. Lucifer was haunting him the entire flight. In the movie suddenly the plane’s engine catches onto flames. In reality the plane’s lights flickered and the smooth calming ride became a bumpy one. The engine suddenly ignites into flames due to a problem in the turbine. The plane was on a head on crash collision with the Atlantic Ocean just like how the airhostess said that they were above the Atlantic. The plane crashed into the night’s cold, freezing ocean with a small explosion. No-one survived the colossal impact except for Capone who was astonished that he had actually survived but he wasn’t the only one, Lucifer was there too. He was changing his human form to his spine-chilling devil form just like the one Capone saw on the book and the movie as well which were called ‘The Devil’s Revenge’. Capone again was petrified as the Devil was approaching him. The Devil came to Capone slowly and as he approached him he smiled, strangled him, slowly and painfully killed him.

Capone suddenly woke but only to see himself in hell with the Devil who is after all Lucifer.