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Refrigerator Hands
by Shreyas Sarangi - 8A

Policeman Jake McDonnell was one of the best. He had, till today, never failed to be punctual, and he was an extremely renowned officer who had caught hundreds of criminals over 6 years. He had only failed once in his entire career: today, since he had woken up late (to his shame) and arrived 10 minutes late for the job. Even this minor detail stung him.

Yet now he had no time to worry and reminisce, for he was on the job and he was very serious about what he did as an officer. At the moment he was headed towards 15 Gloomy Tree, where a phone call had been made to the police station. Before the call finished, murder had taken place. It was lucky for McDonnell that the police station was only a half minute away from the scene.
McDonnell drifted to a stop as he rashly and abruptly stopped at the house (he grimaced at all the noise this made). He used the momentum to fly out of the car and land near the door. There, the dramatice stopped, as he surreptitiously made for the door. Almost sounlessly, he opened the door (which was suspiciously unlocked) and scanned the area, alert for any noise or movement, or even a smell.
As he progressed, he noticed a body, presumably the one that had given the police a call when it was alive. He turned sharply to investigate the area.
Yet, before he could turn completely, a frigid palm touched his should blade, and he was gripped by the cold fingers of his death.
“I’m sorry… but info on the killer’s weapon…is for me to know…and you to feel…”
And that was the end of Jake.

Officer Kane Krawler was very to see dead bodies—one of them belonging to McDonnell Sir—at a house hardly 30 seconds from the police station. This murderer had some nerve!
As he place the caution barriers around the house, he picked up his walkie-talkie and gave a call to a fellow officer: “No info on murder uncovered. But I think the murderer used ice. The dead bodies are no warmer then zero degrees Fahrenheit!”

Inside the Grand Orbit Mall, Catherine was carefully searching for something to suit her style. After all, one had to be very careful when searching for clothes for a prom, she always said.
She suddenly stumbled upon the perfection she had been searching for. As she took it from the shelves, she felt the cloth go cold—to zero degrees Fahrenheit. Before she could scream, a hand caught hold of her. The last thing she heard was a vicious cackling…

“No, no, you have to put the bread in the toaster, dad, not the cheese! Man…” Joe, hung up on his dad, who hadn’t really grown up for culinary purposes. He and his friends were currently cycling at high speed.
All of a sudden he accidentally steered into the woods at a fearfully high speed. Before he could apply brakes, he crashed his face into an ice-cold hand. Death was immediate.
His friends, who had started to look for him, abandoned the woods after hearing a vicious cackling…

Kane Krawler never gave up—never. After following many leads and going from place to place, he had arrived at the murderer’s little hideout. All he had to do was launch a sneak attack and it would be over…
Krawler busted the door open and ran in—contrary to his primary instinct. But this time, he’d raid every room if he had to to bring this to an end.
The murderer suddenly appeared behind him, as if by teleportation. The cold-blooded/-handed killer grabbed Krawler’s shoulder blade and gave it a squeeze. Krawler turned around and smacked the killer’s face.
Krawler smirked. “Too bad for you—I’ve no working nerves in my shoulder blade to feel your weapon!” The murderer snarled animalistically. Krawler fired a shot—but the murderer teleported. This continued until a shot finally made a mark—in the now-murdered murderer’s heart.
Krawler frowned. Killing wasn’t what he wanted, to do, but he had no choice.
Suddenly, the body vanished, leaving the officer wide-eyed. Immediately after that, Krawler was slammed by a freezing, yet burning gale. After Krawler got over the pain and shock, a voice resonated around the room: “My name…is Frigio Kirse… and curse you, stupid officer! Curse you! Remember—YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF THIS COLD MAN, KRAWLER!!”