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How the Coin Came into Existence?
by Anirrudha - 3A

In India, people used to buy things in exchange of their crops and cattle. But they had problems with that. “I want to buy a vase,” said the villager. “It costs half a cow,” said the seller.

“But I can’t kill my cow,” said the villager.

“Then just buy two vases!” said the seller.

“Look, I don’t want two vases, so take this metal piece from my necklace instead,’’ said the villager. Then everyone started using metal pieces.

One day, a man decided to stamp his metal pieces, for the sellers weighed them in the shop. But people still weighed the pieces. The man went and talked to the government. The government thought his idea was very good.

The government gave the metal pieces a shape and stamped them. In this way, the people learned to use these new pieces. That is how the coin came into existence.