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Unity is strength

By: Tanvi reddy 5A
About the Author
Tanvi is an 11 year old girl from fifth grade, Manthan School, Tellapur. She loves to listen to music and she enjoys dancing. She is getting trained to be professional dancer.

Once in a dense, green jungle, there lived four fox brothers and Mr.Frank, the wisest owl in the forest. Louis, Ken, Mike and Finn were the four foxes. Louis, the eldest had shiny, brown eyes and light brown fur. Ken, the second eldest brother, was the smartest of all. He had pointed ears, and was scared of heights. Mike

was always bored and had nothing exciting in his life. Finn, the youngest had big paws.

Unity1 Unity2 Unity2 Unity2 Unity2

The four brothers would never stay together. If they tried to, they fought. One fine day, Louis said, “Let’s go to Mr. Frank, the wisest owl in the whole forest.” They all went to meet Mr.Frank that evening. Finally when they reached Mr. Frank, Ken requested, “Can you please tell us the key to unity?”

“First you shall do a task for me,” Mr. Frank said in a soft voice. “What do we have to do?”, questioned Finn. “You shall come back here tomorrow before sunrise and I shall tell you,” announced Mr. Frank.

The next day, before sunrise, the four brothers reached Mr.Frank. “There you are,”said Mr.Frank with a smile on his face. “You shall go to the end of this forest, then cross the river. Next to it will be a mountain. Climb the mountain. Then you will spot a dark cave there. You shall go through it and in front of you will be a stone with a pink flower on it. You shall get me the pink flower.”

That evening the four brothers set out for the journey. After they crossed the forest, there was the river. Finn was scared of water. “I cannot go any further, I’m scared!”, cried Finn. “We shall go together”, said Mike. Mike held his paw and all four of them went across the river.

After the river, was the mountain! Ken said, “I...I…I’ll go back…” with a scared face. “No!”, said Finn instantly. “We’ll climb the mountain together”, he insisted. When they were done climbing the mountain, Ken was very surprised that he had done it.

Then… came the dark cave, and it had cobwebs everywhere. Freaky sounds came from the mysterious dark cave. Mike started to howl with fear. He started to shiver. He fainted soon after that. After a few minutes, he woke up. “Are you fine?”, enquired Louis.

“You go. I shall wait here,” whispered Mike. “I will help you,” said Finn adamantly. The four fox brothers had faith in each other. They stepped into the cave and kept walking. Suddenly, they saw a light glowing, from the other end. The foxes started walking faster and faster.

BOOOOOOOM..! The light hit their eyes. “It’s there, I can see it!”, shouted Mike, while he was bursting with excitement.” What do you see?”, asked Ken. “I see the stone, with a pink flower, that Mr.Frank told us about,” replied Mike. They took the flower and went back.

After they reached, Mr.Frank said, “Did you learn something?” “No!”, replied Ken with a question mark on his face. “O…o……..o I know”, shouted Mike “What is it?”, asked Mr.Frank. “Unity is strength,” said Mike. “That’s right,” said Mr.Frank. From then on, they lived a good and peaceful life. Truly said, there is no one as wise as an owl.