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Likes: Teasing my bro, poking my head into secrets, limos, mint chocolate chip ice creams, reading Harry Potter, and the color red.
Fears: Spiders, black cats which cross the road, ghost movies and real life robots.
Challenges:- inventing or creating something new, being an author or a doctor, defeating my brother in drinking milk fast, and becoming a good class monitor to make sure the boys (especially naughty ones) be quiet during the class.

Long ago, there lived three cats named Kumar, Sahiti and Rishab. Their teacher’s name was Ms. Anshul. They all lived in Veeolina forest, near a pond, with tall trees blocking the sunlight. There were white doves everywhere. Sahiti had greenish blue eyes , pink cheeks and soft, fluffy brown fur. She was teensy and a bit indignant too. Ms. Anshul was impulsive, strict, and had black and white zig-zag fur. Rishab was eager for everything except studies and wanted to become a detective. Last but not least, Kumar was adorable, used to challenge people, and was quite peculiar.

Years later, when Kumar was six years old and was spending his nice, warm Sunday morning with his friend Sahiti, he got hurt badly on his knee. A needle went two and a half inches into his knee and couldn’t walk . Kumar usually walked to school taking the pavement. To keep his pain at bay, he started sailing on a boat to school. There was a big lake in between and it took only a couple of minutes to reach school. Just before the boat reached school, five awkward looking doves thought that the bandage was food and poked their beaks on it. Kumar dropped the two rows that he was holding and shrieked, “OUCH!!!!” and the boat almost sank. This was the last straw for Kumar and he started hating doves from that day onwards.

Once in a blue moon, Kumar came to school on time. He sat in his chair before the class started. Suddenly, he woke up to the scream of Ms. Anshul, “Why are you sleeping in the class when we are going to do a skit on Malala Yousufzai?” After the class was over, Sahiti, Rishab and Kumar gathered in the hall.

“Why were you sleeping and snoring in the class, Kumar?” asked Sahiti.

“Yeah, are you not interested in studies like me?” poked Rishab curiously.

“Let’s go away! Ms. Anshul is coming,” whispered Sahiti.

“What are you pupils up to today?” asked Ms. Anshul.

“Beware I will find out whatever you lads and you, Sahiti, are up to!" yelled Ms. Anshul.

“Anyways, don’t worry about that Ms. Anshul. So, who is coming to my birthday? I have to invite Ms. Anshul. What’s new? I will call my other friends who live in the forest!” heaved Kumar excitedly.

“Are you still keeping those poor doves in your cage?” asked Sahiti.

“No, not anymore. You will know everything when you come to the party. So, come at 6:30 pm to the forest,” whispered Kumar with a poker face.

That evening, Ms. Anshul and Rishab came late to Kumar’s birthday party. They both went to another place instead of the forest. There they saw all the doves locked up in a big fat cage.

“Kumar did all of this?” asked Ms. Anshul. Then Kumar came with a lamp under his face that was glowing on his pale red skin and told the whole story about why he had locked the doves up in the cage. After some time Sahiti came leaping into the room. She was shocked to see all the doves in a cage. Kumar told the whole story one more time to Sahiti. She felt really bad for Kumar and the doves. All of them asked Kumar to give one more chance to the doves.

“Well, why should I? They did hurt me badly,” answered Kumar.

“They eat the grains and disperse seeds in the forest which makes the plants grow,”all the three of them said together. For a few minutes everyone was quiet.
Kumar realised caging the doves was a kneejerk reaction and decided to release all the doves from the cages and not to act with haste.