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Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa

Author Details
Name: Akhilesh Gaganam
Grade: 7B

      King Agrisus was the king of Lalaland. He was known for his power and battle methods. Every king has a fatal flaw. Agrisus’ flaw is that he was filled with greed all the time. King Agrisus was given a daughter. Agrisus’ daughter’s name was Danae. Agrisus went to the oracle one day, she told him that a hero from the womb of his daughter will one day take the throne by killing him. King Agrisus locks Danae away in tower. Hephaestus, who was in his throne, instantly fell in

love with the young sixteen year old Danae. He came into the tower in a shower of comets and meteorites. Danae gave birth to Perseus. One day, Agrisus came to know about this event. In anger, he threw a large pillar at the tower. The whole tower toppled, Agrisus cried with grief that his daughter died,and cried with happiness that his greatest fear died. But what Agrisus did not know, was the fact that Perseus and Danae fell out of the tower into the sea. Danae and Perseus ended up on the island of Lion’s Cove. A hunter was passing the sea shore, and he had just arrived from his morning hunt for lions. He saw Danae and baby Perseus sprawled on the wet sand. He picked them up and took them to his hut. He nurtured them back to health. Danae woke up suddenly, and she saw a handsome man skinning an animal. She asked the man’s name. He told her that his name is Gaeyas. Danae spent two months with this man. One day, the man asked her if she would stay with him for a few years.

      Danae agrees with him and explained her wish to keep her son with her. Twenty five years passed by, Perseus grows into a broad shouldered, muscular, good archer, swordsman, and a philosopher. Gaeyas trained him in many fields. Perseus grew into a very strong man. One day while Perseus and Gaeyas were training, a messenger arrives at the area. He tell them that King Agrisus had come to kill Perseus and Gaeyas. The messenger explained that Agrisus has heard that Perseus and And Gaeyas are one of the best swordsman in the world. Agrisus arrived at the the area. He challenges Perseus in a battle to the death in a ring of fire. Perseus and Agrisus agreed on a sword battle. Agrisus chooses a five foot long sword with blade of Stygian Iron. Perseus chose a four foot long sword with a blade of Imperial Gold. Both warriors circled each other. Agrisus first stabbed at Perseus. Perseus parried Agrisus’ stab. Then Perseus cut down on Agrisus’ head. Agrisus blocked the blow but felt a shudder of deadly impact in his wrists. Perseus took the chance and jumped and twirled in the air. Then he stabbed at Agrisus’ right side hip. Agrisus screamed out in agony.Then, Agrisus striked with much more force and ferocity. Perseus easily slid, parried, blocked, and slashed as if he was possessed by a devil. Agrisus slashed at Perseus’ hip. Perseus jumped over the sword and stabbed Agrisus right through his adam’s apple. But, before dying, he told Perseus that if he does not bring the head of Medusa before the summer solstice, the whole family will perish.

     Perseus travelled for months looking for Medusa. One day, while he was travelling through a forest he met a beautiful maiden.She tells him that her name is Adromeda. Adromeda informs him that she is a nymph. She infact was not a nymph but a daughter of Poseidon in disguise. She was actually looking for a hero who would help her kill the sea monster. She had blond hair and green eyes. Perseus and her challenge the sea monster in a battle to the death. Perseus killed the sea monster. Perseus married Adromeda the next day. Perseus and Adromeda travelled for two months in search of Medusa. They finally found out the place where Medusa lived. Perseus challenged Medusa in a death match. Perseus jumped on Medusa without looking and slashed at her chest. She instantly parried the strike and stabbed his thigh. Perseus screamed out in agony. Perseus then found a machine gun. He shot Medusa in both her eyes. She pulled her eyes out in agony. He then carefully jumpsed over her head and stabbed her right through her throat. He then decapitated her head. Then Adromeda and Perseus go to Lion’s Cove and crown Gaeyas and Danae king and queen of Lion’s Cove.

Moral: Do not think anything is impossible in life. Fear is the greatest downfall of humans.