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The Heroes of Neverland

About the Author:

I was born on 14/04/2006 in Northshire L.I Jewish Medical Center, New York. I first studied at little village for 2 years, then I switched to Long Island Montessori school, but Since my mom and dad wanted me and my brother to get exposed to India and that’s when I joined Manthan.

I can be a jokester at times; I know jokes like this one:
What did the skeleton say when he broke his funny bone?

“I think I broke my humorous!

I can be a pirate’s parrot, you know why? I can mimic one! Try saying, “Polly wants a cracker!” in a parrot’s way. There is a secret goal I have in me, that is to become an author and a geneticist.

It was a cold, shivering winter night on the Scottish highlands, an orphanage laid till at night.

The children fast asleep, dreaming of having a family of their own, suddenly the Nazis started attacking, only here girls survived, Xi-shu, Michelle and Julia. They walked under the starry sky and found a small cottage and knocked the door. Then came a man with hair as white as quicklime, who was secretly a magician, “Oh, you must be the ones whom I was waiting for!” said the old man. “Follow me!” They went to a wardrobe and were told to

step in. The old man chanted “Magic pixies all around, sing your song with a delightful sound, to send these girls to Neverland!” suddenly a shiny rainbow vortex sucked them into Neverland.

Neverland was so beautiful that it made Julia and Michelle stare in the awe, except Xi-shu, “I want to go back!” she whined. Suddenly they saw seven nymphs, holding one precious object each, ‘“We are the seven sisters, guardians of the four seasons, we have come to give you these gifts so you can defeat the witch.” they said. “What and which witch?’ Julia questioned. “Hello! The witch that is trying to destroy Neverland!” two of the youngest nymphs replied. “Primrose, Magnolia! How rude! I told you two to behave when the chosen ones arrive!” scolded Artica, the oldest. One by one, the sisters gave the gifts, a butterfly made of pure Selenite, a carnation made with amethyst and topaz, amber and gold seeds, an emerald olive branch, a ruby maple leaf, a crystal clear goblet filled with hot springs water and finally a big snow flake with a diamond engraved in the center. Artica said, “Now I will transport you three to the witch’s palace.” she shot them with an icy blast and were quickly transported to the witch’s palace.

The girls fell in throne room, which was hard as ice. The witch saw them and gave out an evil grin made of smoke quartz and a blue diamond, she focused all her might onto the gemstones and set out a beam to kill the girls, luckily they did the same with the gifts, some how they focused more than the witch, suddenly their beam hit the witch and the witch dropped dead as a leaf. By the time they had won, the seven sisters appeared.“From now on, you three are the heroes of Neverland and you shall make this your home.” Artica proclaimed, and they lived happily in Neverland.