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The Magical World
by: Bhavin: 4C

Author Introduction:
My name is Bhavin. I am 8 years old. I have a small brother. I was born in Hyderabad, 2nd September, 2006.I love to draw and paint. My favourite pastime is reading lot of books and visiting places.

“Oh man! I’m not able to sleep this night,” cried a nine year old boy, wearing blue trousers and red T-shirt, with short hair. His name was Tom. He thought, “Let’s

go to Ron.” Ron was a ten year old boy, who wore jeans and a blue shirt and was also a brother of Tom. He was also honest.
Tom went to his brother who was sleeping. Then Tom said, “Brother! Wake up. Can we please play near the pond?”

“Okay, but only for 10 minutes,” said Ron yawning.

“Yippee!!” shouted Tom.

Then they both went near the pond and started to play catch-catch. Just then Tom threw the ball very hard to Ron and Ron fell into the pond! Then Tom panicked. He thought, “Let me dive into the pond as well and rescue my brother.” So he dived into the pond.

After that Tom, suddenly saw another world! Tom was astonished. Then he saw his brother Ron. He was also astonished.

There they saw some goblins! Tom was shivering as if a ghost had been there. The goblins threw a net. Tom escaped but Ron was trapped! Suddenly some sparks came from behind and scared away the goblins. The goblins vanished but they took Ron too!

When Tom looked behind and saw a wizard! The wizard came to Tom and said, “These goblins have been troubling us.” The wizard was old and was named ‘Maren’.

The wizard took Tom to the Royal palace of the king and the queen and he (Maren) explained what had happened. The queen took a pause and said, “If you want your brother, you have to defeat the Goblin Emperor. Take these two swords. They will help you to fight and take the unicorn too.”

The Tom set off to the Goblin Emperor’s palace. When they reached the palace, Tom thought that he would give a surprise attack. Then, he suddenly smacked the palace door and raced off to the Goblin emperor’s room.

Then Tom saw Ron locked in the cage. Tom broke the cage with the magical sword and gave one sword to Ron. Ron, Tom and the unicorn attacked the Goblin Emperor and killed him. They went to the king, queen and the wizard and thanked them. Then suddenly Tom and Ron dived back into the pond and came back to their world and went to sleep.