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The Story of two sisters
by Purvi Reddy 6A

There once lived two sisters Trish and Sara. But they were so different some people forgot they were sisters. Trish loved history and liked to study about cave men specifically. Sara on the other hand had long loved our modern technology and about new inventions made. One fine day, both sisters

were sitting on the breakfast table, when suddenly they got into a terrible fight.

Trish thought there was almost no difference between modern men and cave men, but Sara thought she was totally insane!
Trish says, “Cave men or early humans care for their young ones, feed them and take care of them just like mummy now. They pray to god and have beliefs just like us!” she exclaimed. “They eat animals and plants both for energy and survival the way we are doing right now,” she said, “They have occupations like painting and carving like us today.”

“Blah, blah, blah, blah!” goes Sara. “Today we have automobiles that can take us any where we want and not depend on other animals.We don’t need to hunt; we can eat farm grown crops for survival and energy.

There are hundreds of different types of occupations like building, farming, dancing, driving, cooking, etc. and so we do not get bored like those cavemen who need to paint on walls to pass time.”

“Come on you two,”, says dad, “it’s a lovely day outside, go out and play and for heaven’s sake and stop fighting,”. With that the two sisters went outside and enjoyed the rest of the day………….