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Death of the Dinos
by Kasvi Methi 5B

During the Iggy time period, the Supreme God and the Destruction God were talking. “I just hope no one on Earth kicks the bucket. Then I’ll have to give them the big speech,” Destruction God whined. Supreme God sighed. “That’s impossible.” he said, stamping his foot on the smooth white floor of the court.

Meanwhile, on the Down World of Earth, Oomi was eating her fruit, root and leaf soup on the rocky floor of their cave. She said, in her sweetest voice, ”Mumba, can I have a new skirt, of leaf, of course. Please?” “Well, no. They are so expensive. 30 rocks each? Unbelievable!” Mumba snapped. She’s a rock I can never melt, Oomi thought. At this, Dia, their pet dinosaur, came and rubbed her neck against Mumba’s neck. Oomi stormed out.

Oomi was 12. She had fair skin and gleaming brown eyes. She had dark hair that was always in a cloud around her face. She wore a Siberian tiger-skin dress. Her best friend was a girl, with a honey- coloured face called Aalaga, who always laughed no matter what. Aalaga had a younger brother called Gug.

When Oomi reached the palm tree, the place they always met, she noticed that Aalaga wasn’t there yet. Oomi waited for about 30 minutes, and Aalaga finally turned up.

“Where were you?” Oomi thundered. “I’ve been waiting for ages for you!” In reply, Aalaga fished out a leaf from her dino leather bag and handed it to Oomi. She read:

“What? But he-“Oomi began protesting. But Aalaga interrupted her. “He has to. I know he is annoying but please… for me… please…” she whimpered. Then she made her famous pleading puppy dog eyes that could melt everyone’s anger. Oomi smiled. She could never say no to her best friend. “Okay.”, Oomi agreed.

The next day, Gug accompanied them to the waterhole. He had a swim with them; he played with Dia and, surprisingly, helped them make flower necklaces as well. Of course, the girls had to deal with Gug’s lame jokes. At the end of everything, Gug ended up dozing away under a tree.

Up in the Heavens, Supreme God was thundering. “The humans aren’t paying enough attention to me anymore. I am angry upon them! They will repent, oh yes, they will!” He paused for a while and clicked his finger, so lightning flashed. Then he continued. “I will not spare them no, never!” He did a sideways glance towards Destruction God and demanded “Destruction God! It is time I put your powers to a test. Destroy Earth and ruin every single being there!”

Destruction god was more than pleased to do the job. He loved destruction.

Down at Earth, Oomi sensed some danger was nearby. She heard a squawk. She looked up, and saw a bird flying in circles, squawking loudly. A phoenix. The phoenix. Of Life. The Phoenix of Life. Oomi thought for a moment.

Soon, the horrible truth dawned on her. The Phoenix was only seen by people or a person that were going to die.

Soon, a lady, fair of face, appeared beside the Phoenix and elegantly, but panicked, began to scream. Mother Air.

Then, two giants, who probably could crush the whole world under their large feet, landed on the ground with a big THUD! And one, the taller of the two, grabbed Mother Air and squished her. Oomi gasped. Now life depended entirely on the Phoenix.

The other giant clicked his finger. The volcano rumbled. The ground shook. He grasped the Phoenix by its neck. It squawked in pain, struggling for freedom, and after a while, it lay still, lifeless.

Oomi gasped for air. The volcano spat hot spewy lava out of its mouth. The smoke in the air choked her. She was dying.