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Hillary: The Light in Trump's Tunnel

by-Prasad Kuberkar
He is a student of grade 10A and enjoys reading and playing the piano.

Probably the hottest topic on people's lips, not just in America, but around the globe is the battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. From veterans to young adults who will vote for the first time, the issue is something that is always in their conversations; even youngsters use this opportunity to come up with drollery criticizing either side. Yet, I feel Hillary has an edge over her dodgy competitor, and with good support and guidance, her policies can bring back America's lost glory.

        Evidently, the United States is now haunted with the problem of unemployment: too many people chasing too few jobs. If this issue is resolved, then America will be granted benefits like higher living standards, soaring GDP, and surplus exports. While Trump shows no signs of addressing this, Hillary has pinpointed exactly this and is devoted towards solving this concern. Her policies are made with research and experience she gained from the time she was First Lady, so they are bound to work well.

        In addition to this, America is currently experiencing heavy immigration, due to well-paying jobs, top-class universities, and great opportunity for entrepreneurship. Trump sees it in a way deleterious to America, with shortage of food, gang and terrorist attacks, and less job opportunities for American citizens. But Hillary's positive viewpoint overshadows this. She believes that if people start companies in the US, then that will generate a lot more jobs, bring more investment, and allow America to advance technologically. Also, these immigrants may help in agricultural advancements to increase food production, so there will be minimal chance of food shortages. With good security measures, the immigrants would be harmless, moreover would contribute greatly to America's economy.

        On the contrary, Trump seems to gaining supporters because he has an unusual personality. Being slightly quizzical, people are now thinking that he is the miracle America needs to come out of it's downswing. They believe that only he is capable of coming up with new ideas and policies to clear up the many encumbrances on America's path to prosperity.

        While this may be true in their perspective, the election of Trump as president could just make things worse. Because he has little experience in this field, his policies might make life harder for the citizens. Hillary, on the other hand, has gained loads of experience when she was Secretary of  State and First Lady. She has an idea of how policies are made, so naturally she would come up with something a lot more influential.

        In conclusion, I would say that even though Hillary is a lot more able for President, nothing can be said for sure. The tables can turn very swiftly in the world's strongest economy, in a race to make America great again.