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sparsh edition Oct 20162

The Stunning Unfavourable Venue
by: Aditya K XA

The Olympics 2016 which is being held in Rio, Brazil has had an initial controversial opinion from the public, health officials and athletes. These include, quality and completion of the Olympics Village, Zika Virus and crime levels.  

The Brazilians had fought hard for the Olympics to halt due to the country’s economic crisis which had led the government to announce a

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Termination of strike at last!
Article by-Sai Praneeth
Grade 10A .He loves to read books.

Irom Sharmila has ended her 16 year long hunger strike that was initially started to repeal the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) on the 9th of August 2016 by a lick of honey at Imphal. In the words of Irom Sharmila, "There is no democracy in Manipur. I want to be Chief Minister of Manipur and make positive changes". The decision marked a salient  moment in which we have seen a historical

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Is success on the cards for India?
-Rishita, Grade 10A
Author details: Hi, I’m Rishita! I am passionate about reading books and music.

The games have begun! 5 days in, and the US is putting up quite a show with a staggering 27 medals! China is close behind at 17 followed by Japan with 14. Though India still has many opportunities, the situation is not very promising.

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Irom is Tough Enough

by Valli Peddada
Author Details: My name is Valli, from Grade 10A. My interests include: writing, listening to music, and drawing & painting. I’m a huge nature & animal lover and an avid reader.

As the honey touched her lips, a mulish remonstration came to an end and the golden thought of leadership came to life. On Tuesday morning, 8th August 2016, Manipur’s martyr Irom Sharmila Chanu ended her 16 year old fast against the Armed Forces Act(AFSPA). After

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Where's the road to glory?

Nikil K.R.P- Grade 10A

Author details: A student of grade 10A, I'm fond of playing the guitar and solving quizzes, primarily science and history. When it comes to reading, nothing’s more appealing to me than a Sherlock Holmes episode. Autobiographies are another genre of books I enjoy reading.

India wasn’t always (or ever) the best in a lot of things, notably sports. But now after they have demonstrated their capabilities at the world’s largest and celebrated sports event, most Indian fans aren’t very provoked about looking up to their team at the Rio olympics this year. ‘What exactly is the

problem?’- this is one of the most asked questions about the games; but the members of the contingent aren’t ready just yet to answer despondent admirers. While trying to answer such questions, a lot other questions arise (such as ‘have they practiced well?’, ‘have they been encouraged appropriately?’ and so on); which is why we preferably let the athletes give us the answers themselves.

  While assessing the sports individually, even the people who aren’t very bothered about sports turn proud of their nation, chiefly due to the number of athletes from India-124; as well as the number of events they are taking part in. Considering the facts that major Indian

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Hillary: The Light in Trump's Tunnel

by-Prasad Kuberkar
He is a student of grade 10A and enjoys reading and playing the piano.

Probably the hottest topic on people's lips, not just in America, but around the globe is the battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. From veterans to young adults who will vote for the first time, the issue is something that is always in their conversations; even youngsters use this opportunity to come up with drollery criticizing either side. Yet, I feel Hillary has an edge over her dodgy competitor, and with good support and guidance, her policies can bring back America's lost glory.

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Euthanizing the Right to Die
-Ishrath Grade 10A
Hello, I’m Ishrath and I love reading and writing fictional texts.

On March 7, 2011 the Supreme Court of India made passive euthanasia legal for those who are in a permanent/persistent vegetative state. Euthanization can only be done legally by the means of withdrawing life support. It often requires the approval of the High Court. The same law also asked for the decriminalisation of suicide survivors. On August 8th, 2016 the Mental Healthcare Bill was passed, officially decriminalising suicide survivors.

However, certain religions are against these laws. Islam prohibits anyone from taking the decision of one's life, as Muslims believe that the end of someone's life lies only in God's hands. Several Jewish groups have similar beliefs. While some think that euthanasia should stay legal to allow the peaceful death of the ill, others believe that it's immoral.

More often than not, the critically ill are a burden for families. They require constant care and have expensive healthcare costs. Especially when in a non-recoverable state, it becomes hard to care for them. Euthanization should be advised by doctors when needed. Family members and close friends would obviously be reluctant to make a decision like this, as they share emotional bonds and ties. With external advice, reassuring, and guidance from trained counsellors, this decision may be a little easier for them. Making the concerned understand the process and amount of pain they will be free of could leave them feeling slightly better.

Nevertheless, some doctors can be misleading. The illiteracy rate in India is high, making it easy for many people to be deceived by medical practitioners. It may lead to a euthanization that isn't required. This can be prevented by taking proper consultation from several professionals.

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