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sparsh edition Oct 20162

Book- The Mystery of the Invisible thief

About the Author:
Nishitha is a student of 5C. She is 10 years old. Her hobbies are drawing, coloring and making craft. She also plays tennis and the Keyboard.

Author- Enid Blyton


     In Peterwood the five find outers and dog were lazily sitting under a tree in Pip’s garden waiting for a mystery to begin.

     The five find outers, Pip, Bets, Daisy, Larry, Fatty and Buster (Fatty’s dog) have solved many mysteries like the burnt cottage, the secret room and many more. They have so much fun solving the mysteries.

   The five find outers have to solve the most difficult case yet. Will they solve the case before their enemy Mr. Goon the ill-mannered police man will.

The Egypt Game

Name of Book: The Egypt Game
Author: Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Publisher: Dell Yearling
Genre: Mystery and Suspense
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by: Shreya Challa, 8B


'The Egypt Game,' written by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, a three-time Newbery Honor Award winner, is an intriguing mystery about five children. The book is about 'the Egypt Game,' a game that revolves around the mysteries and culture of ancient Egypt. At first, the game is fun and everyone is immersed in it- until strange things start happening to the players. That's when everyone starts to wonder- has the Egypt Game gone too far?

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Prologue to ‘Going Solo’

Author details:  My name is Shivi Garg. I’m from 5A, Manthan school, Tellapur. I like to play, sing, and dance. When I grow up I would want to become a doctor. While being a doctor I would help everyone and cure them.

  The ship was carrying Roald Dahl out from England to Africa. More English than English, more Scottish than Scotts, they were the craziest bunch of people Roald Dahl had ever met. Many years ago in Autumn, this ship was an old paint- peeling tub of a thousand tons, with a tall funnel which rattled the tea cups. In 1983 a journey was full of stepping stones.

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From Russia Without Love

Is banning Russia from the 2016 Paralympics justified?

Author Introduction-Akshaj is a student of grade 10A and enjoys reading books and listening to music.


The last few months have seen a lot of controversy after the ban of Russia from the 2016 Summer Paralympics as many believe an entire country shouldn't be banned. Many, including myself, believe this action is justified despite what some may say against the ban.

To begin with, doping has become a significant issue in Russia since 2014 and, in 2015, to prevent the widespread doping, the IAAF suspended Russia indefinitely from world sports. Earlier this year the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announced Russia should be

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Prologue for Geronimo Stilton’s: The Christmas Toy Factory
About the Author:I am Shivansh. I study in grade 5A and I like to play cricket and badminton.

The winters started arriving in New Mouse city. Poor Geronimo was still worried. He was finding a solution for the cold weather. He was already feeling cold. He didn’t have any blanket or heater. Also he could not go to the shop because it was freezing outside. He got a heater home delivered but it was not sufficient.

It was night and Geronimo still could not sleep due to the cold breezes in the house. He dreamt of meeting Santa and having a party with his friends. Then he slept soundly for few hours. In the midnight, he woke up. At that time the temperature was really freezing. He

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Prologue of the Greylings’ Manor

About the Author: My name is Pranav.H. I was born in Bangalore on December 10th 2006. I like to write books, poems and read books and play football. I want to become either a footballer or an author when I grow up.


Nick, Katie and their parents were on a trip in their car. Suddenly, a tragedy struck them - their parents had died in the car accident! They were then adopted by an aunt who hated them and an uncle, too weak to stand up for them. So they had run away. They had camped in a hollow tree and survived on the food brought by a girl called Laura. After a while, Laura fell ill. Nick and Katie were traced by Laura’s parents. Now they lived with Laura and her parents.

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चालाक लोमड़ी

एक जंगल में तीन मित्र रहते थे शेर,गधा और लोमड़ी |एक दिन उन्हें एक हिरन दिखाए दिया | शेर ने उस पर हमला करके मार दिया शेर ने गधे से कहा “ हिरन के तीन टुकड़े कर दो” |गधे ने बेईमानी करने लगा ये देखकर शेर को गधे पर गुस्सा आया और उसने गधे पर भी हमला करके मर दिया | फिर शेर ने लोमड़ी से कहा “तुम अपना हिस्सा ले लो” |लोमड़ी चालाक थी उसने हिरन का एक चौथाई भाग लिया और दो चौथाई शेर ले लिए छोड़ दिया | ये देख कर शेर खुश हो गया और हँसने लगा |