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sparsh edition Oct 20162

Belinda and the Weird Watch
by Reeti, Grade 6B

In the busy streets of New York, there once lived a girl called Belinda. Well, she was quite bright, she simply loved watching T.V. ,and enjoyed drawing pictures (I tell you, she’s a really good artist), but there was just one thing: she hated doing her homework and going school.

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The T-rex bone
By Anant Krishnan - 5D Tellapur

Anant loves to read and write stories.

I wonder how I would explain the dinosaur bone in my bag to grandma.

It all began when we went to the British museum of natural artifacts to see the fossils there. I was putting my hand through the t-rex’s rib cage when the security startled me and the bone flew into my bag. Well the trip wasn’t all that bad it was where I met my best friend, Jax. That gave me an idea!

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The Power of Kindness
by Anoushka

Author Details: My name is Anoushka and I’m studying in grade 4C of Manthan School, Tellapur. I love reading books and writing stories. I aspire to become a good author when I grow up.

    There once was a beautiful seaside with pigeons flying onto the sand. Under the sea, there were three fish living in a small hole under the gold-coloured sea bed.  

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The Phone
by- Abhinav.M 6B

I just finished my homework and rushed over to the laptop,after all that's all I can do when no ones home.I watched a few videos, well until I heard a noise.....probably a howl... from the... I just don't know. As I walked down the hall,the sound grew rapidly.I followed it into the the kitchen, before the

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The Old Dog
By Spurthi Challa 6A

It happened at exactly 2 pm, Sunday, on Lily's birthday, the moment she blew out the candles of her birthday cake.

Murphy was not to be blamed for what happened. He was an old dog, older than Lily. Lily's older sister, Christina, who had had her birthday in February, could still remember Murphy as a puppy. The little dog was unwanted, a mixed breed stray, born with a limp, a torn right ear, and was the last of the litter.

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The Fox And The Slug
By Sriram Grade 4C

About the Author:
My name is Sriram and I’m studying in Grade 4C of Manthan School, Tellapur. I love reading stories, especially those of Harry Potter. My hobby is playing baseball. I aspire to become a good children’s author or a proficient baseball player.

Once upon a time in a forest, there lived a fox and a slug. The fox always lost in running. He wanted to win at least once. So he thought that he will challenge the slug, as that would make him feel better. He went to the slug and questioned, “Hey, do you want to race with me?”

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The Dog and the Horse

About the Author: Hasita Talatam studies in Grade 4C, Tellapur. Her hobbies include reading books, reading history and doing experiments.


        There once lived a dog and his mother. The dog had a friend, a horse who stayed with his mother. Both the families lived in the forest. The dog was naughty and was not respectful to others. But the horse was good and obedient. Both their parents were friends.

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by- Samhitha Nair - Grade 8A
About the Author:Sam is a voracious reader. She dazzles with ideas!

         Why me? Just because I am ‘His’ (meaning God himself) does not mean I have to be the one to save the world from zombies. Again. Except this time is real. The first time, it was a cynical scientist, who thought it would be a good idea to make zombies. It was an amazing idea, but when it reached its limit, I was sent to shut the machine down. It was simple get in, get out. This time is different. This time, the creators of the zombies is Satan himself.

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The Amazing Play of Cinderella
Lasya Koleti                                                                                  
2B Madhapur
My interest is reading lots of wonderful books.

I am a girl who likes reading story books. My name is Lasya. One sunny morning, after breakfast, I was reading a wonderful, pretty and most beautiful book I found in my own, personal library. That wonderful book was ‘Cinderella’. It had an interesting character named ‘Cinderella’. I liked her a lot because she was kind, beautiful and helpful.

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Sylvan's Journey

Author’s Details :  
Name: T.V.Dheeraj Rao
Grade  : 5 A
Hobbies: Reading Books, Soccer, Swimming & Guitar.

“Wake up, Tiny” said Sylvan. “Mother promised we are going out today”. “Sylvan” Aven said stubbornly. “If you ever call me ‘Tiny’ again I’ll gnaw your ears off” said Aven, waking up angrily and making her fur straight. “But you’ll have to catch me first, “or wait until you’re asleep” said Aven. “Now be quiet you two”. “Always fighting 24 hours a day and Sylvan don’t be so excited because you’ll have to wait for one hour more today”, said their mom.  

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Needs and Wants
by-Ganga P.R. 4C

About the Author:
My name is Ganga. I study in class 4C, in Manthan International School. I like to watch television. My hobbies are dancing and singing. When I grow up, I would like to be a dancer.


Once upon a time, there lived a little bird and her mother. They lived in a meadow on the branches of a mango tree. Every morning, they used to chirp and wake up all the cats, dogs and other animals. As they woke up, all of them danced to their melodious music.

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A story by Purvi Reddy, class 8A
About the Author: Purvi taps to music and she loves the company of books.

        “Ahaa….!” She woke up as a wave of shudder ran through her. “Rebecca, honey are you okay?” her mother gushed, “are your nightmares back already?” she questioned further.

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