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Termination of strike at last!
Article by-Sai Praneeth
Grade 10A .He loves to read books.

Irom Sharmila has ended her 16 year long hunger strike that was initially started to repeal the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) on the 9th of August 2016 by a lick of honey at Imphal. In the words of Irom Sharmila, "There is no democracy in Manipur. I want to be Chief Minister of Manipur and make positive changes". The decision marked a salient  moment in which we have seen a historical

transformation of Irom Sharmila from a renown icon of protest and the most identifiable face of resistance in the conflicted State of Manipur into a political leader.

It all started on the 2nd of November 2000 after what is known as the Malom massacre that involved the death of ten civilians by the 2Assam rifles, one of the paramilitary forces operating in the state. Already involved in local peace movements with regard to human rights abuses in Manipur, the massacre added fuel to the already raging fire and caused her to start the sixteen year long fast in a desperate attempt to repeal the AFSPA.

9th August 2016, Irom Sharmila ends her fast still demanding the repeal of the AFSPA. She also said "I want to join politics as I've been called the Iron lady of Manipur and I want to live up to that name", in front of a press meet at Imphal. She also went on saying that the end of her fast does not mean the end of the battle- no, she just wants to take it to a different arena, a whole new level.

Some of her supporters have expressed their anger at her decision, to end her fast before she reached her goal. Mr Somorendra, who lost his son, Shantikumar, in the Malom massacre, said: “She has not fought for herself, or for someone she knows, but for all of us. She has fought our struggle. For me, she is next to God. But why did she take this decision so suddenly?”. Sharmilla replied by saying "...they want to think of me with the tube, without any desires, just as a symbol of resistance. This is my right to choice. I have the right to be seen as a human being.”.

I for one, believe that the decision made by Irom Sharmila is what is needed to bring this up to a whole new level. Despite 16 years of fasting, she hadn't changed the minds of many influential figures and as a politician, Irom would be more influential than she already, thus making her case far more significant than it already is in front of the governing body of this country. It is therefore only fitting for me to wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors in making this country a better place. So all the best Irom Sharmila!