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by: Shriya Vadavalli, Grade 8B
Shriya loves to read and spend time with her friends. She is ever smiling!

"Beep beep" the truck was coming through,
but all that you could see was a man and a kangaroo,
he dumped the box and sped away
leaving poor Louis in astray!

Up and up with a heavy load,
28 floors up here we go!
The box wobbling here and there,
alas reaches with a bang on the door!

"Here you go miss a package for you,
just sign this sheet and I will shoo!"
"Oh no, Oh no, you shan't shoo
watch our experiment and then you can move!"

"Well if you insist so, I will see"
"Now class lend your ears to me
for this activity,
to see how gravity works with you and me!"

'Kaboom!!' the box flies out of the window
 and crashes flat on the floor!
Poor Louis stomps down the stairs
"So now I know my hard work is on the floor!"