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Chemistry in 99 Seconds
By- Kritman, Pranavesh and Kavya - Grade 8A
Author Introduction: Well, as you may have understood by now they are stung by science bug!! ;)

There once was a little atom,
destined to form a bond.
His electrons were taken by goldemort,
who gave him a positive charge.

Atom goes to table,
he meets eighteen other groups there,
and then he decides that he belongs in group 1.
Noble gasses are stable,
in the Periodic Table.
Alkali metals react aggressively.

Down the groups,
outer shells increases,
more radioactivity.
Unstable nuclei inside
the massive lower periods.

Elements contain particles,
of the subatomic size.
Neutrons, protons, and electrons
make up the inside.
These elements form compounds,
and they have to be balanced,
it's very complicated,
I don't really get it either.

Atom gets put inside period seven..
By now you should know the
atom is unstable,

Atom, atom!
it's getting scary!
Goldemorts back! Now everyone's reacting!
Cesium, cesium, why do you have, so many isotopes!
Atoms forced to get a charge!
Ionic bonds are now at large!
Molecules break into group 3
Tellurium's half-life is dead as can be....
Split your shells,
7 parts have now fell.
They're atomic bombs,
They make large mushroom clouds...

There once was a little atom,
who constantly gained a charge.
But in one final duel with Goldemort,
He may form a covalent bond.