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Conservation of Resources

by: Vikrant.V - grade 10 B
About the Author: I'm Vikrant from 10B. I enjoy listening to music and sports

Life has been sustained on this planet for more than a million years, including the adaptations and modification of thousands of other species. Out of which the most supposedly evolved organism is us-the humans-who despite being the most intellectually developed beings have been destroying habitats of their own kind, as well as, the habitats of other animals eventually leading to extinction. Their materialistic greed has caused enough damage, and one of the most obvious results of these activities is global warming. Global warming is the gradual variation of temperature to extreme high conditions,  attributed by CFC's, Carbon Dioxide and other pollutants.

However all we do is talk about it and satisfy ourselves with the fact that we are up to date about all the disasters that this phenomenon has caused instead of doing something. It's obvious that the government has been doing its part by introducing policies and international institutions help in raising awareness. But that isn't enough! unless we contribute to save this big beautiful blue planet of ours.

First of all, we must plant trees, this takes in most of the pollutants that affect nature and turns it into fresh breathable air, that not only benefits  us, but also contributes in creating a bio-diversity and builds the beauty of an ecosystem.

Secondly, save electricity. This rule is heard everywhere on a daily basis, but usually goes unheard, hence we must practice it ourselves and coax others in doing the same. In fact, why stop there, we could change our methods of obtaining power. From coal and other fossil fuels the take a long time to get replenished, we might as well look for alternatives, most commonly, solar or hydro powered projects.

In place like India, we often complain about dirt on the roads and stinky places which prevent people from visiting different places. Let's take an initiative and improve this situation. We could either help other NGOs or do it ourselves. This also discourages the  use of non-biodegradable like polythene bags that are found everywhere lying on the ground, forcing people to stay home to halt unwanted dirt.