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What is the occupational distribution and effect of education on a developed country?
by: Rishita, Grade 10A
Author details: Hi, I’m Rishita! I enjoy reading and am passionate about music.

If a less-developed country is classified as a developed country, then the occupational distribution would be in such a way that more workers would be concentrated towards the tertiary or service sector. The reason behind this is that: during development, all sectors of the economy expand. However, it is the tertiary sector that helps expand all the other sectors. Agriculture, transportation all require services to grow and hence with the development of the tertiary sector comes development of others. Good growth prospects and working conditions are also provided. As explained, earlier, the

agricultural sector will now have a less proportion of workers. In addition, people will retire at an early age since there are many financial institutions providing pension schemes etc. More people would be encouraged to pursue higher education.

On the whole, with development and an increase in education, people will be choosing to work in the tertiary sector as it is more rewarding and less dangerous (for example: mining is a hazardous activity).
An improvement in education in a developing country would have an effect on its population since, by educating them, citizens are now more conscious of how to take care of themselves and practice good sanitation and hence live longer. In addition, with higher education comes more innovation and technology and therefore enterprises may be coming up that supply commodities that raise living/sanitation standards and consequently will impact the population positively. Furthermore, if people pursue higher education, they will be likely to get better jobs and more chances to emigrate. If individuals emigrate, the age-structure of the population is changed and there may be better living conditions in the home country.

On the contrary, an improvement in education does increase general awareness but it is up to the individuals whether they follow it or not. In the age of pressurized workers, many-a-times it is observed that health of people is neglected. In such a scenario, more education and job prospects are insignificant if they don’t impact the population positively.