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by-Disha Garg - 8A

About the Author: Disha is an enthusiastic learners. She loves to write stories and have fun with her friends.

James walked back home after a long and exhausting day, a bit absorbed in his thoughts, perhaps about his daughter who went missing mysteriously. Who had vanished-poof- without a word. James, was an ordinary man who lived in New York City and loves the snowy weather.

James noticed a man who intensely stared at him. James, who felt uncomfortable, suddenly saw that the man’s face had turned into a demon. Maybe a wolf, or a vampire, James didn’t know. He screamed. Now, everybody’s eyes were on James. He looked at the man again and saw absolutely nothing except an ordinary man, eating his cheese burger.

He asked a policeman who came over to check on him, “Did you see that?! Did you see that?! That man’s face!”

“Sir, there’s nothing on that man’s face, that poor guy is just eating his burger”, said the cop in a shocked tone. “Would you like me to drop you home sir?”

“No, no. I’m fine, it’s okay,” replied James confused and terrified.

James walked towards his house. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Terrified and petrified he turns around to see a woman. Maybe in her late 40’s, about five feet, wearing a long, dull dress with her short hair accompanied by a band the same color of her dress.

He asked her, “Yes? What do you want?”

“I know why you screamed, I saw it too. I need to have a little chinwag with you, meet me at my house at 5:00pm sharp. Here’s the address, don’t be late!” she replied in a deep and soft voice.

Though perplexed, James quietly concurred to the proposal.

He got ready and at 5:00pm sharp, he knocked on the door of the address given to him. The door opened, he saw a round table inside. As he walked ahead, he bumped into a mini-cupboard. He saw a drawer and opened it. Inside, he found a huge map folded several times just enough to fit in the drawer. He opened the map and saw the word ‘Grimminature’ written on it and next to that he saw a picture of himself.

He called, “Um… excuse me? Where in the world did you get my picture from?”

“Oh that doesn’t matter! Now sit down! I have to talk to you.”


“Hush! I know what you saw, we can see things no one else can. You saw a monster didn’t you?”

“Yes, but-but..!”

“I said QUIET! God! Kids these days. Anyway… Now these monsters are called ‘grimms’. These monsters have their souls captured in crystal ball which is at a castle 3-4 hours away from here. The queen of the Grimms’ -Grimminatrix- guards it. These monsters cannot be killed or perished.”

“Then how do they die? Or do they just stay there?”

“They can’t be killed and they don’t just stay there! Their souls have to be free from the castle.”

“How were their souls even captured?”

“When a Grimm bites them on the neck. Sort of like a vampire you can say.”

“Right, how do you free the souls?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow, you have stuffed enough in your brain for today.”

James obeyed and walked away from the house going home. He had quite an uncomfortable night. He woke up and immediately received a phone call.

“Excuse me? A lady by the name of Carmen is being rushed to the hospital and she asked us to contact you.” said the stranger’s voice.

“Carmen? I’m sorry I think you’ve got the wrong number,”

“I don’t think so sir, she asked us to tell you- grimminature.”

“Oh! Oh! Okay, coming! Which hospital?”

“A world for us, sir.”

James quickly cut the phone and he dashed to the hospital. He found the room which Carmen lay in.

“What-what happened?”asked James, terrified.

“A Grimm- bit me, on the leg! You have to end this James- or none will survive! Free the souls!”

“But-but how? I don’t know how to. You have to help me!”

“Do you think I can? God! Kids these days! The drawer you opened remember- that’s the map to and of the castle. There’s a gun in that drawer too. It won’t kill the Grimms , but it’s enough to knock them out. now go!”

“But-!”And then Carmen lay in his arms, with her eyes closed and a long beep followed the monitor. She was gone. Doctors said they could do nothing.

He walked to Carmen’s house; he opened the drawer and pocketed the gun and map. He had to end this. He had to.

He was eager to avenge the death of an innocent soul. The next instant, he grabbed the requisites, rented a jeep, a black and rusted jeep, and on his side sat the gun and map given by Carmen. After a long and tiring journey he finally arrived. A huge castle faintly lit by the dim moon. This was the gloomiest castle he had ever seen. Actually the only caste he had ever seen.

As he entered the castle, the war began. Every monster in his way was knocked out by his surprising skill of shooting and aiming. He finally reached the inside of the castle. Huge roof tops. Big red curtains covering the only light source entering the room. Big statues near a huge door which was mysterious. Very mysterious! James had a weird feeling about that door and so he went and opened it.

He ran towards the crystal ball but stopped and turned around just to see the Grimminatrix. He had only one bullet left. The Grimminatrix, floated in the air, covered in a black, shredded cape. She had no shadow, and her eyes glowed red which sent a shiver down James’ spine.

“Why would you possibly want to do this?”, asked James terrified, confused and curious all at the same time.

“I,” she snickered. “I want to rule the world!” she replied in her low, deep and monstrous voice.


“My father never took care of me, he always was busy in his work, he never worried about me and now I shall do the same!”

James was shocked, this had sounded exactly like his daughter, Emma’s, story. He was so busy in his new job he never got the time to pay attention to her.

“I can’t let that happen.”

The Grimminatrix shot a beam of laser towards James but he managed to dodge it. The Grimminatrix shot another, but James was too fast. James had to do something fast, he couldn’t be lucky every time.
He thought fast and pointed the gun towards the crystal ball.

“It’s over”, and a bullet hit the glass. The sound of shredded glass hit James’ ears.

Souls began to stream out. They flew all over the castle, but one flew towards the Grimminatrix, she fell and James ran towards her. James could not believe his eyes, he had found his daughter. After all these years he had finally found her.

“I’m so sorry Emma!”, and a tear trickled down his cheek.