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Needs and Wants
by-Ganga P.R. 4C

About the Author:
My name is Ganga. I study in class 4C, in Manthan International School. I like to watch television. My hobbies are dancing and singing. When I grow up, I would like to be a dancer.


Once upon a time, there lived a little bird and her mother. They lived in a meadow on the branches of a mango tree. Every morning, they used to chirp and wake up all the cats, dogs and other animals. As they woke up, all of them danced to their melodious music.

One afternoon: “We need to go shopping to buy twigs. Look at our nest, it’s become so old and it’s full of holes,” Mother Bird frowned. “Yes, we shall go to the shop right away,” said Baby Bird. They flew towards the shop and at that very moment…

“Mother, can you please buy a doll for me,” requested Baby Bird. “No, no, it’s too expensive,” said Mother Bird in a firm voice. “Please, I really need a doll,” nagged Baby Bird. Mother bird ignored her, bought the twigs and took Baby Bird home.

“You didn’t really need the doll, you just wanted it. There are things you need and things you want. Like you need water, shelter, etcetera,” explained Mother Bird.

“I understand now; we need twigs because our nest is ruined and it can fall from the tree any moment. Then, we will not have any shelter,” rationalized Baby Bird.

“Yes, my child, you have understood.” said Mother Bird. They built their nest and lived happily ever after!
Moral: It is not necessary to get everything you see.