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Sylvan's Journey

Author’s Details :  
Name: T.V.Dheeraj Rao
Grade  : 5 A
Hobbies: Reading Books, Soccer, Swimming & Guitar.

“Wake up, Tiny” said Sylvan. “Mother promised we are going out today”. “Sylvan” Aven said stubbornly. “If you ever call me ‘Tiny’ again I’ll gnaw your ears off” said Aven, waking up angrily and making her fur straight. “But you’ll have to catch me first, “or wait until you’re asleep” said Aven. “Now be quiet you two”. “Always fighting 24 hours a day and Sylvan don’t be so excited because you’ll have to wait for one hour more today”, said their mom.  

Orris woke up straightening his spectacles while taking a big howl! “What’s so good about going out anyway? asked Orris. “I don’t know it’s just more exhilarating fresh and better out there” said Sylvan. “So Mr. Sylvan, you want to go out only for freshening up,” said Aven stubbornly. “If there are owls and foxes trying to eat us, I’m out” exclaimed Orris. “Know-know there”, said their dad. “Do you know what’s really nice out there?” asked their dad. “What”! Shouted everyone. “Learning new things and enjoying together as a family”, said their dad. “Not again, dad”, said Aven.  

Sylvan’s mom pinched their dad hard on his tail. “Ouch!” yelled their dad. “What was the deal? Make them more curios to go out?” asked Sylvan’s mom angrily and quietly! “No, but we have to teach them to stay together and enjoy” said dad. Sylvan’s mom thought about it and said “Ok, but don’t show them in detail”. An hour was up. Sylvan strolled upward and downward, Orris at the place to check the scents, Aven at the knot of roots and their parents leading them. With each step the air grew more fresh, more exhilarating and just a small ‘hello’ to the new neighbors, and then there was ‘The Great River’. The gateway to the world and beginning of their new session and on reaching, their parents smiling, everyone exclaimed “wow”!