Humorous Poems 2E & 2A
My Funny Poem
The ice cream man,
The ice cream man selling ice cream.
Under a tree for free,
Ice cream was so yummy,
It filled my tummy.
On the street, there were so many treats,
The ice cream was the best treat.
By: Geetika 2A
Zip Zap Zup
Zip zap zup
They went for a trip
Blup blip blup
They are eating soup
Tim rim sim
Dancing on a ring
Soffy poffy groffy moffy
Running for troffy.
By: Akshita, 2E
The Cat on My Mat
Once I was sitting on a mat,
I saw a very big cat,
Then he sat on my mat,
I said, “shoo shoo shoo.”
Get out of my mat.
But the cat did not listen so he was still sitting on the mat,
But he pounced on my hat.
I just shouted loudly, “Please go away!”
By: Kaushal 2A
A Mice
A Mice lived in my shoe,
Who always wanted to go to the zoo
Wanted to see pesky parrot
Scaring people was his habit
The parrot came out and said boo.
By: Darsh 2E