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Interview with Ms.Lata Arora

“….one thing in particular is that I have seen children when they were little, like in 4th grade, now they are all grown up. I have watched them grow.”

Ms.Lata Arora has been with Manthan as the parent coordinator and plays a pivotal role in fostering a connection between the parents and school. She shares with us her experiences, nostalgia, and work life in the times of pandemic.

Sriya: What are your fondest memories with Manthan as a parent coordinator?
Lata Ma’am: Well, I had originally joined in 2013. It is a courageous venture, as, my role as a parent coordinator involves high-end responsibilities such as facilitating clear communication and maintaining cordial relations between the parent and the school. I feel deeply honoured that I am being assigned this stupendous task. During my career, I have heard many compliments. Parents would come to me in the parent-teacher meetings requesting me to not leave Manthan (laughs) until their child has graduated from high school and praise me as to how well I coordinate with them. I was gifted a diary by one of the students as a gesture of appreciation. I get beautiful handwritten cards for teachers' day and also hand-baked cakes during Christmas by one of our parents. These tokens of love, greetings, and wishes are some of the cherished and frozen memories I would carry with me for a lifetime.

Sriya-What has changed over the years in Manthan according to you?
Lata Ma’am: (Smiling) A lot has changed over the years: earlier the campus used to be at Madhapur, a cozy cove, and now it has shifted to Tellapur, a much wider campus. It has changed in terms of size and number of learners we train. Previously, we used to have a small number of only 300+ students, now we have more than 1600 students. Most amazingly, we continue to grow academically as well physically. I have seen children when they were little, like in 4th grade and now they have ascended to higher grades. I have watched them grow and blossom. Our children are scaling new heights and Manthan is making a mark globally.

Sriya-Any specific challenges you have encountered while handling the online schooling environment.
Lata Ma’am: One main challenge has been gathering everyone online be it children or parents. But now, everyone is adapting, children are getting used to online classes and parents for meetings. All of us have learned the techniques to manage this situation and are gradually improving to do better.

Sriya:One thing/many things you miss about physical school?
Lata Ma’am: Kids. I miss the students- their peals of laughter, their lively chit chats, their carefree stroll in the corridors and their shrieks in the playground.

Sriya-What is your message to the parents of Manthan school children as a parent coordinator?
Lata Ma’am: I have noticed that a few parents are relieved while many are anxious, especially, in this pandemic situation where schools are yet to function physically. However, I believe that we can cope with this transition. Also, it is my request to parents to inculcate a few habits in their children’s routines like making them rise early and engaging them in physical exercise, so they do not struggle to adjust to the usual school routine.

Sriya: It was wonderful talking to you ma’am. Thank you for your time.

-Interview conducted by Sriya Ammanamanchi.