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My First Day of School By Vaeshnavi, Grade 5 H

My first day of school, which was on June 17, 2014, was really fun. It was my first day in a new school called Manthan. I, Vaeshnavi, was only four and felt a little shy. I thought I was still too young to go to school! I had expected it to be embarrassing, but the day turned out to be full of laughter.

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My first day at school By: Raaghav Modukuri, Grade 5

My first day at school was dreadful and frightful. When I arrived in the classroom, the first class, English, started off well because we were reading stories from our books. Our next period, Math, proved to be exhausting because it involved rigorous academic work. After that, in Science, we had to do even more academic work. Since at that time, I despised academic work, I started crying. It continued for the entire day. After that, I told my mother all about my horrendous day. Then, my mom encouraged me to study by making me think that academic work was fun. It took a while, but after some time, I started enjoying academic work. 

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My first day of school - By Mihika, Grade 5D

It was my first day at Manthan School. I was excited and had butterflies in my stomach! There was a long line formed at the bus stop with children wearing Manthan uniforms. When I reached my school, I scooted up to my class- 3D. My class teacher and co-class teacher- Shruti ma'am and Kulsum ma'am introduced me to the class. When I sat at my desk, I was welcomed by a kind girl called Niharika. She showed me around the school and made a good companion. She was my only friend the whole year and I felt secure when she was around.

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My first day at school - By Sanjana, Grade 5D

My first day of school was hilarious. In Brooks Elementary School, there were a lot of new students, and my new best friend, so I wasn't that nervous. Since I like making a good first impression, I bought stylish new clothes, cool school supplies, and everything to make my school year easy. When I stepped into my class, with adrenaline moving through my veins, I stepped into the most colorful classroom I had ever been in. The day is going to be a blast.

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My First Day At School - By Chaviv Jain 5E

One memory that stands out in my eventful life is my first day at school. I had just completed preschool; was really ambitious and, in a way, scared. My curiosity knew no bounds. I really wanted to make some friends and have some company. I hoped that nothing out of the ordinary would happen. Little did I know what would follow.

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My first day at school - By Prisha, Grade 5D

My first day of school in Manthan started with my mom waking me up and telling me to go to the dining table to eat my breakfast. It was on the 15th of November. I still remember the date clearly in my mind because I remember the teacher leader telling my parents, "She will be starting school from the 15th of November". I knew that it was the day I started school in India, and I was really excited. New friends, new teachers, new faces, new halls, and all those other fresh thoughts filled my mind.

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An Autobiography By Amogh 5B

My feelings the previous day:

The day before I went to school, I felt extremely anxious. Would I fit in? Would I make any friends? As I slept, I was both comforted and troubled by these thoughts. Maybe I would make some friends. Maybe I would fit in.

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