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War in the Galaxy - By Rujvi, Grade 3E

Once upon a time, in the galaxy of the Milky Way, there was a planet called Uniplanet. It was the home for the Unicorns. The Unicorns stayed on that planet, instead of Earth because the alien king on Earth wanted a potion made by the Unicorn's horn, to make himself stronger and immortal.

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Voices - By Harshkrit Golla, 8C

Carlos is walking home along a tree-lined road. Darkness is already falling. Soon, the only light will come from street lamps. Apart from Carlos, the road is empty...or so he thinks. Suddenly, he hears a strange, shrill voice coming from the darkness behind the trees.

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The Songbird’s Song By: Sanaakshi Batra, 7E

One day, when the world was still very young, the God looked down and saw a magnificent bird. The bird was beautiful and had shimmering feathers. They were bright red and golden in colour and shone like the sun himself. The beautiful bird danced about and caught the attention of God. Allured by its beauty, the God exclaimed, “Glorious bird! You should reside with me in Heaven and be my messenger!” The majestic songbird bowed its head and said, “If that is what you desire, oh holy one,” in a voice of solemn submission.

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The Rumbling Room… By Sneha Reddy M, Class 6A

From somewhere within the depths of the house, not very far from the room in which I was, there was a noise. It was a faint noise, and, strain my ears as I might, I could not make out exactly what it was. It was a sound like a regular yet intermittent bump or rumble. Nothing else happened. There were no footsteps, no creaking floorboards, the air was absolutely still, the wind did not moan through the windowpane. Only the muffled noise went on and my dog, Spider, continued to stand, bristling at the door, now putting her head at the gap on the bottom and snuffling around, now taking a pace backwards, head cocked and like me, listening. Every now and then, she growled again.

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The Mystery of the Stolen Money By Laasya, Grade 4B

In a house at Rose County, Smithara and Neena stood confused, looking at a door that was locked, and had a wall on the other side.

Smithara was an eleven-year old with long and shiny black hair. Her eyes were a startling blue and she was thin and tall. Neena, on the other hand, was thirteen and Smithara’s sister. She looked exactly the same, except for her hair which was short.

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The Magic Door - By Prisha Banerjee, 5D

Once, in the busy city of Dubai, there lived a young girl named Mia. "Mum! I am going for a ride on my bike... I will be back in half an hour! Bye!" She said to her mother, one evening. 

She had planned to go on a ride on her new bike that afternoon, to test it out. Mia grabbed her bike from behind the doorway and rode it outside. "This works perfectly!", she announced, happily. Then, she rode it to her community park, to show her friends. 

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The Hole - By Siri, 8C

Carlos was walking home along a tree-lined road. Darkness is already falling. Soon, the only light would come from the street lamps. Apart from Carlos, the road was empty... or so he thought. Suddenly, he heard a strange, shrill voice coming from the darkness behind the trees.

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The God’s Messenger By: Pavitra Nannapaneni,7F

One day, when the world was still very young, the God looked down and saw a magnificent bird. The bird was beautiful and had shimmering feathers. They were bright red and golden in colour and shone like the sun himself. The beautiful bird danced about and caught the attention of God. Allured by its beauty, the God exclaimed, “Glorious bird! You should reside with me in Heaven and be my messenger!”

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The Fire - By Sanjana J Tearle, Grade 9 D

The coals glow red hot, defying the cold and damp air around them. A spark, fleeting and bright, flashes in the dark expanse of the slumbering forest. The spark flashes again, and again, once more; shining brighter and lasting longer each time, until finally the brown leaves atop the coals curl inwards and crackle in misery as they take the final step into ashes. Cold hands that had created the spark sigh in relief but soon fall into unconsciousness.

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The Clever Advisor By Rishaan, Grade 4F

There once lived a king named Murali. He had an advisor called Rajiv, who was very wise and lived in a small hut in the kingdom.

One day, King Murali received a letter from his enemy, King Trinam, warning him that he would wage a war against him. King Murali was terrified and called Rajiv for his advice.

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The Boy’s Dilemma - By Moksh Vivek Rane, Grade 4G

There lived a boy in Africa named Chukameka. He lived close by the woods. It had been a long time since he had visited his Grandma, who lived in a far off village.

One day, he decided to pay a visit to his Grandma. It was a long journey but he finally reached the village. The moment he saw his Grandma, he ran off and hugged her. He was so happy on seeing her after a long time. He refreshed himself, ate food and asked, “Grandma, can I please go out and play in the woods?”

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The Blue Roofed House - By Jonathan Fernandez 9B

Surprising Samarth, the rich aroma of cooking spices had wafted from the Blue Roofed House. The house was left unoccupied for years with the 'For Sale' sign hanging lopsided around the house. Samarth was curious, and wondered what was going on.

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