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My First Day At School - By Chaviv Jain 5E

One memory that stands out in my eventful life is my first day at school. I had just completed preschool; was really ambitious and, in a way, scared. My curiosity knew no bounds. I really wanted to make some friends and have some company. I hoped that nothing out of the ordinary would happen. Little did I know what would follow.

The night before, I had many more thoughts. Since I was at home, I was a bit more mature, but at night, my fears were endless. However, I looked on the bright side. I would know more about the world. I would find a lot of people and hopefully make friends. I would go to another level. All these thoughts comforted me a bit and I decided to go to sleep. Before that, I told myself to try and be excited, to erase the negative thoughts. So, I went to sleep with a messed up head, which for me, is nothing short of a miracle.

The journey to school was strange. I tried to read my book and distract myself from all the feelings inside me. That did not help a lot, so I tried sightseeing. That too did not work out, and before I knew it, I had already reached the school. I looked around. It truly was crowded with children. To be honest, I was an introvert, and the enthusiasm of the kids told me that I was an introvert stuck in a world of extroverts. That is not an ideal position to be in for anyone. So, I silently trudged towards the school, trying to look as cool and calm as possible.

Once at school, on my very first day, we were going to the cafeteria to have our lunch. I was the first one to sit down on the lunch bench. Soon after, another boy from my class came by and sat right beside me. I moved more towards the right due to nervousness. However, the boy noticed that and told me that I was a bit too scared. He also told me to become calm and he would help me. That moment, I knew that I had found an amazing friend.

This was my most memorable moment at school. I will remember this for the rest of my life.

From there on, I felt really comfortable in the school environment.  Nothing bothered me anymore, and my head was as cool and calm as it could get. Truly, that moment assured me that I would never repent from joining school.