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My first day at school - By Sanjana, Grade 5D

My first day of school was hilarious. In Brooks Elementary School, there were a lot of new students, and my new best friend, so I wasn't that nervous. Since I like making a good first impression, I bought stylish new clothes, cool school supplies, and everything to make my school year easy. When I stepped into my class, with adrenaline moving through my veins, I stepped into the most colorful classroom I had ever been in. The day is going to be a blast.

The night before, I could barely sleep. Thoughts running in my head like: What is my teacher like? Will I make friends? I was so tired in the morning, but after getting to school, I wasn't tired at all.

On the journey to school, the bus for me, I mostly talked to my best friend. I did notice some people though. Some of them didn't care about a good first impression, and it looked like they wore whatever was the least smelly.

The whole day, we introduced ourselves and played fun games, as it was the first day. I met my Math teacher, Mrs. Chasiyano. We played fun Math games in that one hour period. Overall, we didn't learn anything. My most memorable moment at Brooks was meeting my class teacher for the first time, Ms. Brueske. I have never met a nicer teacher before. We could relate a lot. Her favorite color was blue, like mine and she loves Harry Potter, like me!

That is how my first day of school went.