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My first day of school - By Mihika, Grade 5D

It was my first day at Manthan School. I was excited and had butterflies in my stomach! There was a long line formed at the bus stop with children wearing Manthan uniforms. When I reached my school, I scooted up to my class- 3D. My class teacher and co-class teacher- Shruti ma'am and Kulsum ma'am introduced me to the class. When I sat at my desk, I was welcomed by a kind girl called Niharika. She showed me around the school and made a good companion. She was my only friend the whole year and I felt secure when she was around.

The previous night, I felt euphoric, for this was my first time switching schools. At the same time, I felt sad as I was leaving my beloved teachers. The teaching at Abode, my old school, was like playing. I could express all my feelings to the teachers and they would understand everything. I felt sad and happy at the same time.

On my first day at Manthan School, the journey was not a pleasant one. When I arrived at the bus stop, there was a long line with children pushing each other. When the bus arrived, there was a grumpy maid yelling at me. I couldn't understand a thing because she was yelling in Telugu. I looked around and I wasn't breaking any rules! The maid shoved me to a seat with grumpy children who were snarling at me. I felt tears welling in my eyes. I missed my old school and my happy classmates. Once I reached, I felt lost and lonely.

When it was western music, taken by Alen Sir, I experienced the worst nightmare of my life. He played one song multiple times, expecting the rest of us to memorize the song. When my turn arrived, I could only recollect a few words. he scolded me and told me to stand in a corner. My legs started hurting and I was trembling in fear. I missed my old school very much that day.

My most memorable time at school was the end of the term in third grade. The winner of ‘Tent of Tales’ was to be chosen. I knew I was not going to win because I hardly ever wrote the name of the books I read in my ‘Tent of Tales’ column. Suddenly, the teacher announced the winners. I could not believe that I had won bronze in the ‘Tent of Tales.’ My parents felt proud and I was delighted!