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My first day at school By: Raaghav Modukuri, Grade 5

My first day at school was dreadful and frightful. When I arrived in the classroom, the first class, English, started off well because we were reading stories from our books. Our next period, Math, proved to be exhausting because it involved rigorous academic work. After that, in Science, we had to do even more academic work. Since at that time, I despised academic work, I started crying. It continued for the entire day. After that, I told my mother all about my horrendous day. Then, my mom encouraged me to study by making me think that academic work was fun. It took a while, but after some time, I started enjoying academic work. 

The previous night, the 12th of June, 2013 was exciting. My mother told me I was going to school and I was so excited and enthusiastic because I thought it would be all about reading books and fun and games. I could not sleep at all that night! The next morning, I got up at 5:30 AM. I quickly dressed in my clothes and did my ablutions. At 6:00 AM, I was ready and my mother took me to the bus stop at 6:15 AM because the school was far from my house.

The journey was amazing! It was the first time I was going on this route and there were so many parks, houses, skyscrapers, and many more fascinating structures. At 7:00 AM, my mom and I arrived at the school. It was called First Presbyterian Church Nursery School.

Once at school, the first class, English, started off well because we were reading stories from our books. Our next period, Math, was amazing as instead of academic work, we used Magna Tiles as our teacher wanted us to learn about carrying  it. In our next period, Science, it was even more fun as we looked at different chemicals. Our final period, Social, was the best as we had to make a model of the Earth with screws and bolts!

One memory that stands out is when I came first in my exam. My friend, Sai Prabir, and I had got the same marks. Then, our Hindi Teacher entered the class, and we quickly advanced to her to ask her the marks. My marks were 54/60 and his marks were 55/60. At that moment, I felt extremely dejected as he had one more mark than me. After our Hindi teacher departed, our ICT teacher arrived. Sai and I rushed up to her and asked her our marks. Our teacher said that Sai got 56/60 and I got.... 60/60!! At that moment, my friends, Gunvir and Sourish, came and carried me on their shoulders. I felt like Sachin Tendulkar!