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My First Day of School By Vaeshnavi, Grade 5 H

My first day of school, which was on June 17, 2014, was really fun. It was my first day in a new school called Manthan. I, Vaeshnavi, was only four and felt a little shy. I thought I was still too young to go to school! I had expected it to be embarrassing, but the day turned out to be full of laughter.

The night before, I had felt very nervous. I could not sleep. Since it was a new school, I wondered if l would make any friends and if the teachers would like me. I thought about how my class teacher would be and l hoped she would not be strict! I finally fell asleep, thinking how much fun l would have tomorrow.

The journey to school was not long. At exactly 7:15, l was walking to the school bus, with my mother holding my hand. As l boarded the bus, she let go of my hand and waved goodbye. The second my mom let go, l felt alone and scared. I looked out the window and soon calmed down. On the way, the bus picked up a few students on the same route. Finally, the bus stopped.

 I had arrived at school.

 Walking towards the school, my heart started to beat fast. I began to take deep breaths and walked to my classroom. Unlike what l had thought, the class teacher and co-class teacher were very welcoming. My class teacher's name was Asima Ma'am. My co-class teacher's name was Vaishnavi Ma'am. As it was the first day, the teachers let us play all day. I also learned a few letters of the alphabet and a few numbers. As a result, l had made many friends and had lots of fun.

One memory that stands out is when l received a golden leaf in senior kindergarten. lt was my first reward. That day, the teacher leader had gathered everyone for an assembly and announced the reason for the occasion. Then, she called me upon the stage and handed me my golden leaf and appreciated me. The golden leaf symbolized good handwriting and imagination. The audience applauded for me. It was a truly happy day for me.