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The Life and Times of the Tudors

Surabhi Kar, 6E

There once was a royal family named the Tudors, 

Destined to make gory history.

They were all as bloodthirsty as tigers,

But their story is filled with misery.

The family consisted of King Henry VIII,

And his six wives.

Together he had three children,

They would have loved to have him at the sharp end of their knives.

King Henry VIII was first married to Catherine.

They had Princess Mary.

But by now Anne Boleyn was thinking it would be well for her to rule

From hereon, Catherine’s time would be dreary.

And thus the fights begin,

Between the Queen and the King.

Years it took for it to resolve, 

But Henry finally robbed Catherine of the wedding ring.

All this while, Princess Mary stood watching, not saying a word.

She knew that if Catherine gave up her queenship,

She would be illegitimate to the throne.

So, she did nothing but serve Henry lip.

Catherine was banished to a convent,

And not long after she was pronounced dead.

Princess Mary grieved, while Anne Boleyn rejoiced,

For finally, she would be able to put the queen’s crown on her head.

King Henry wanted a boy this time, 

And everyone predicted it would be so. 

But when Elizabeth, a girl was born,

Queen Anne quickly went from wife to foe.

Hence, Queen Anne was beheaded,

Since she couldn’t produce a son.

Now, just like Mary, Elizabeth was forbidden from the throne.

And her chances of her being a ruler were next to none.

Next, the King married Jane Seymour,

And then they had a son, Edward.

King Henry was overjoyed,  

Since in his eyes, the legacy of the Tudors would finally go forward.

Years passed, and King Henry died.

Edward became the ruler.

But Edward was always a sickly boy,

And he perished soon, his subjects wishing he had lived his life fuller.

While Mary began her reign of five years,

Elizabeth was always frightened for her life.

She could never trust anyone around her, 

And her life was full of strife.

But, soon Mary died, following her mother.

Elizabeth was now free from prison

She danced and laughed with joy,

As she would never again be charged with treason.

Elizabeth was crowned soon after,

And the joyous rule began.

All the people in England were happy, 

As they would never see cruel Queen Mary again.