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The Magic Door - By Prisha Banerjee, 5D

Once, in the busy city of Dubai, there lived a young girl named Mia. "Mum! I am going for a ride on my bike... I will be back in half an hour! Bye!" She said to her mother, one evening. 

She had planned to go on a ride on her new bike that afternoon, to test it out. Mia grabbed her bike from behind the doorway and rode it outside. "This works perfectly!", she announced, happily. Then, she rode it to her community park, to show her friends. 

She was so lost in her new cycle that she did not notice what was coming in front of her.           Suddenly, a door appeared out of nowhere and she had no time to turn left or right, so she flew  through the door and onto the other side. She was astonished of what she saw. 

On the other side was a busy road, and the cars didn’t look like they are even from this generation…maybe she had time travelled… “This is weird! How did I time travel from my community park?”

"I must go tell my friends!" She said, getting extremely excited. She was wet too, and her nice, new top was completely ruined. “I don’t care about it...I need to get the word of the magic door around” 

The next day at school she told her best friend, Anne, about the “Magic Door”. “What!? No, that cannot be true. I know you are lying!” cried her friend

Mia was irritated. She protested, “It is true. Okay, today afternoon meet me in the community garden. I will show it to you!”

“Ok! I will see you then!” Said her friend, with a serious face, but dancing eyes. She giggled and ran along to her classroom.

Mia was now angry. How could her best friend not believe her and make fun of it! She did admit that it was a little unbelievable, but her friend need not laugh about it. She ran to her class in a temper.

That evening, Mia took Anne to the magic door. “Now, you come over to this lonely spot, where I tripped on yesterday, among these roots, and- there it is!!”

Anne looked, her heart in her mouth. There was the magic door, as magical as ever. “But how did you- “

“I was cycling here yesterday evening. I wasn’t looking so I flew through the door. Come, I’ll show you what’s inside!” Said Mia, feeling proud of herself on finding this precious item. 

This time, there wasn’t a busy, dark road on the other side. There was a beautiful, aesthetic garden! 

“Wow! This place is beautiful!” exclaimed Anne. They walked around the garden, stopping and admiring everything.

“There can’t ever be so much greenery in Dubai, right?” Asked Mia.

“Never. Hey, look at that!” 

“Where? Oh wow, doesn’t it look cozy!”

“That” was a tiny little hut in the middle of the garden. It looked nice and warm and cozy. They longed to go inside and have a little rest. But they realized that it was getting late and they should get home.

“Mia, let’s go home. I am a little tired. We will come back next time.” pleaded Anne. 

“Alright, I don’t feel like staying all night here, either. Let us go.”

They started walking. Wait, was this the right way? Surely, they must be near their little doorway now? They walked on. 

No, this could not be the right way. They didn’t recognize anything. After a while they can upon a large patch of grass. 

“Here! The door was here! Don’t you recognize this spot? But where is the door?!”

There was no door to bee seen! “Now what to do!” Cried Anne. “I don’t know either. I Maybe we should go back and ask help from the little hut.” 

They traced back their footsteps. Soon they reached the little hut. They debated whether to knock or just enter. They thought it would be a good idea to knock. So, they did so. A young boy opened the door. He looked like a pixie. “Do you want mum? I could get her for you!” he asked

“Yes, we would like to meet your mother, please,” answered the reliable Mia. The boy scuttered along. They expected to see the normal of mothers, hair tied up high, hard work worn hands, tired look. But they were wrong. 

After a minute, a young lady appeared at the door. She had a face as pale as the moon, lips as red as a rose, eyes as blue as forget-me-nots in the summer, blonde long hair, and the warmest smile anyone could ever have. A slim neck supported this pretty face, like a stem supports a flower. The girls forgot their manners and simply stared. Then Mia started talking.

“Good evening,” She said, politely. “We, er, came upon this place using a, a doorway. But when we came back after exploring this garden, we couldn’t find it anywhere. Could you help us?”  “Did you use the magic door?” Asked the lady. “Yes, I believe we did.” Answered Mia.

“Well, you see, it’s a long story, but I will tell it to you. I, here, am a magician. So is all my family. That door is made by me. I needed a safe place for my children, so I made such a place.”

“ I live here all the time, but that door roams around to different places, leads to different things, so I believe that the door has moved on now, and you can’t get home. But don’t worry, I will grant you three wishes, and you may wish for anything.

“Well, we would want to get home” Said Mia

“We want a happy life” Said Anne

“And?” asked the fairy

The girls thought. “Whenever someone’s pocket is empty, it will be filled up in no time.” 

Alright! Let me create the spell. I need a piece of a star, a breath of a rose, a chunk of moon, some blood from the rivers’ souls, and-“

The next second, Mia found herself in bed. “Was it a dream?” then she remembered something. She went to the table grabbed her purse, opened it, and, and...

“Gold coins!! How! Impossible!” She exclaimed

“What? What gold coins?” Asked her mother, rushing in. She had been startled by the sudden shout.

“Here! Look!” Her mother’s jaw dropped. “Wow, this is brilliant!”

Well, we will leave off now here. Sometimes you just have to imagine, imagine, imagine, and soon that “imagination” wasn’t just an “imagination” anymore, but a real, real, happening!









Written by: Prisha Banerjee

Manthan School

Grade 5

Section D

Age: 11